Chinese Daily Photos, 2011 to 2019!

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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Ah, sorry that I forgot to state it clearly, the wages are monthly wage. All figures that I state are on monthly basis. Cambodian workers have very low salaries. Just a few years ago, their monthly basic wages were only $45. Currently, the basic wages are $80 and is expected to increase to $100 in February. Workers demand $160. However, basic wages don't mean total income per month. They have many other benefit like attendance bonus (currently $9), Seniority bonus (currently $3, $1 added per year until max $11), Health allowance ($6), meal allowance, over time payment (1.5 time on regular hours), 18 days annual leave and 22 public holidays per year. Oh, I can't count them all. Wage calculation in Cambodia is a big challenge for payroll software developers.

Thank you! That is a very low wage in my opinion. The federal minimum wage in the US is $7.25 an hour. many "part time" jobs pay this wage.

The US national average wage index for 2012 was
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is giving out this error message when I click on pix..sorry. I'll try later.



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seems to be ok.

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Newly-married couples attend a group wedding ceremony in Yangzhou, east China's Jiangsu Province, Jan. 1, 2014. A total of 13 newly-wed couples took part in a group wedding of traditional style at Geyuan Garden in Yangzhou on the first day of 2014. [Photo: Xinhua]


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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional

China Post officially launches China Lunar Exploration Office on Jan. 1, 2014 in Beijing, and hires Luan Enjie, senior consultant of China Lunar Exploration Program and former chief of China National Space Administration as the office's honorary dean. [Photo by Chen Boyuan /]

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Guests examine collection-worth stamps made from precious metals or from debris of lunar exploration rockets on Jan. 1, 2014 at the launch ceremony of China Post T9-2014 stamps to commemorate China's first-ever successful lunar landing. [Photo by Chen Boyuan /]

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China Post T-9 2014 stamps, China's First Successful Lunar Landing, are on display at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Jan. 1, 2014, before the stamps' launch ceremony. [Photo by Chen Boyuan /]

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12月28日下午1时,广州,一名身穿蓝衣灰裤,脚蹬黑色运动鞋的中年男子爬上广州国际服装展贸易中心顶楼 ,几欲跳楼。男子不停在楼顶边沿处翻滚,右手握着一块板砖,时不时砸向自己的头部。僵持3小时后,消防队员 和警察趁其不备将其救下,他被蒙着头反扣着手带离开了现场。



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Elegant Zhang Xinyuan poses for BAZAAR magazine in ancient costumes. (Source: Xinhua Ent)
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Lieutenant General
Ah, sorry that I forgot to state it clearly, the wages are monthly wage. All figures that I state are on monthly basis. Cambodian workers have very low salaries. Just a few years ago, their monthly basic wages were only $45. Currently, the basic wages are $80 and is expected to increase to $100 in February. Workers demand $160. However, basic wages don't mean total income per month. They have many other benefit like attendance bonus (currently $9), Seniority bonus (currently $3, $1 added per year until max $11), Health allowance ($6), meal allowance, over time payment (1.5 time on regular hours), 18 days annual leave and 22 public holidays per year. Oh, I can't count them all. Wage calculation in Cambodia is a big challenge for payroll software developers.

I hope the workers get what they wanted. GMAC has to understand that as the economy in Cambodia rises so is the cost of living. It has to adjust wages according to that countries economy. Like Popeye said, the previous wage is just too low to make a living.


Lieutenant General
Have you noticed a monk stand in the middle of the group? This morning police caught a monk among strikers and found that he was a fake monk with panties, condom and sex drug found in his bag (real or framed, I don't know). However, monks appears in every strike. kind of "monk", just kidding!:p Monks are people too, they will appear in strikes if they deem it necessary to voice for the needy and the poor that gets exploited.


Steelbird, are those wages you quoted a weekly or monthly wage? Thanks.


This is awesome..

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I'm debating if I should send these photos to a bunch of lay folks who laughed and mocked me (not here, some news site) when I suggested rescue via the onboard helo about a week or so ago when the icebreakers failed after multiple tries. They were saying I don't know anything about ships, helicopters, ice (I was LOL) and should keep my opinions to myself!

I guess sometimes the sweet revenge is just knowing you were right all along LOL.


Banned Idiot
ice breaker rescue in Antarctic

The recent helicopter rescue of the passengers and staff from stranded Russian survey vessels involved a helicopter from Chinese ice breaker Xia Long picking up the rescuee and then setting them down on ice next to the Australian Ice Breaker Aurora Australis. Originally the helicopter was going to drop the passengers off on the Xua Long herself, and then transfer by boat to Aurora Australis. But appearently ice condition made the boat transfer impossible. Hence the passengers were dropped off on the ice close to the Aurora Australis

However, photos of the Australian Ice breaker Aurora Australis involved in the recent rescue shows a large green helipad plus a hanger in the back of the ship:


For all that helipad and hanger does she not carry a helicopter of her own? And why did the Chinese helicopter have to land on ice next to her, why couldn't the helicopter land directly on Aurora Australis' helipad? Even a fully loaded helicopter should not weigh so much that it endanger a ship's deck, particularly if it is already strengthened for helicopter.
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The Capitalist
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Re: ice breaker rescue in Antarctic

It looks a little tight for a large Helicopter. Probably just considered safer to land on the Ice.
Add to that would the Australian Ship carry appropriate insurance for a Chinese Government Helicopter carrying 3rd party national civilian passengers to land on it?

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
I'm debating if I should send these photos to a bunch of lay folks who laughed and mocked me (not here, some news site) when I suggested rescue via the onboard helo about a week or so ago when the icebreakers failed after multiple tries. They were saying I don't know anything about ships, helicopters, ice (I was LOL) and should keep my opinions to myself!

I guess sometimes the sweet revenge is just knowing you were right all along LOL.

Go for it! Just copy and paste them or post the link. I have unlimited bandwidth with imgur & Photobucket.

Are you referring to 'Cause I was going to post them there but did not.


Re: ice breaker rescue in Antarctic

For all that helipad and hanger does she not carry a helicopter of her own? And why did the Chinese helicopter have to land on ice next to her, why couldn't the helicopter land directly on Aurora Australis' helipad? Even a fully loaded helicopter should not weigh so much that it endanger a ship's deck, particularly if it is already strengthened for helicopter.
The reason is Xue Long's Ka-32 is too heavy to land on Aurora Australis' helipad.

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... The Australian icebreaker, the Aurora Australis, arrived at the edge of the sea ice surrounding the Shokalskiy – about 20 nautical miles away – in the early hours of 30 December, local time. It made several attempts to cut through the ice over the next day but was thwarted each time. On Tuesday morning its captain confirmed that the vessel would move to join the Xue Long, which itself unsuccessfully tried to break through the ice on Friday last week, to co-ordinate the air evacuation.

AAE members will be picked up on the ice next to the Shokalskiy and dropped off on a similar landing pad next to the Aurora Australis. The Chinese helicopter that will be used is too heavy to land on the Australian vessel's deck. The Aurora Australis will then sail to the nearest Australian Antarctic base, Casey, before heading back to Hobart in Australia in late January...


Go for it! Just copy and paste them or post the link. I have unlimited bandwidth with imgur & Photobucket.

Are you referring to 'Cause I was going to post them there but did not.

naw.. I don't really frequent because of the amount of rambo wannabes and pretend soldiers etc but I do have to say you do find some excellent photos there every ponce in a while.
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