Chinese Daily Photos, 2011 to 2019!

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Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!

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This is amazing! It's a shame that so much water was inside these tombs, I hope the water was accumulated there naturally and not the result the subway construction crew's carelessness.

These bamboo slips will help to uncover a part of Chinese heritage that had been lost for centuries. They will reveal to us the wisdom and lives of our ancestors from one of the most illustrious eras of Chinese history (certainly better than China in our own time). A discovery of this scale could be compared to a discovery of a Roman tomb with lost manuscripts from classical scholars for the West.

They also found many ancient manuscripts on bamboo slips in the constructing of the subway in my hometown of Changsha, Hunan. In fact they found so many that they built a museum especially to house bamboo manuscripts because of it! My father works in the archaeology field and I visited this museum not long after it opened.

I hope one day we may recover some other works lost during the tumultuous events of Chinese history, like the Confucian Classic of Music (乐经), and countless moral/political works from the Hundred Schools of Thought (诸子百家) that were destroyed during Qin Shihuang's Burning of Books and Burying of Scholars (焚书坑儒). There is a tremendous amount of wisdom in the classical Chinese literary tradition, especially during the Spring-Autumn/Warring States, when Chinese philosophers were going through a golden age of thought like their contemporaries in Greece.
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Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!

This will work only for awhile and than back to the old bad habits again.:mad: The best way in my opinion is to teach the younger generation to be more patient and careful on the road when they're taking their driver's education class. Highways and roads are for NOT 'Fast and Furious' drivers. Especially among truck drivers and 18 wheelers are one of the worse violators due to their hectic work.

I concur. Not only truck drivers, but the worst are taxi drivers. They think they own the road and can commit any traffic infraction to pick up a customer.


Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!

I agreed, but IMO regulations don't mean squat if people don't follow them. People are in such a rush these days that they are willing to ignore the signs. The highways that are well regulated and impose are the toll roads because there's money to made in it.

Some people will never change and will unfortunately pay the ultimate price (them and other inocents) for their impatience and stupidity.

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Lieutenant General
Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!


Check out those jars and potteries. My gosh the hand craftsmanship were excellent back than, they're almost looks like they were machine made. The geometry and dimensions are almost identical to the exact measurements.:D




New Member
Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!

I agreed, but IMO regulations don't mean squat if people don't follow them. People are in such a rush these days that they are willing to ignore the signs. The highways that are well regulated and impose are the toll roads because there's money to made in it.

of course, but people can only be expected follow regulations if they are enforced. you got it right with the toll roads, there's simply no profit for the chinese government in enforcing better regulations across the board, no profit in establishing the rule of law. (well maybe profit for all of society in the form of fairer business deals and social justice, but no greater immediate profits for the interested parties who currently monopolize politics in china)
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Lieutenant General
Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!

Equation, what are you still doing in Houston? You need to go to Asia and find a good woman! There a millions waiting......and they're all physically fit and of marriage age (18+ I have to add a disclaimer).

There are a lot of them here in the US as well. BUT i won't discriminate as I will sample each locale one trip at a time.:eek:

Doctors in China take the drastic step of grafting a man's severed hand onto his foot in order to save the limb .

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Yeah I know I posted that story and some pics a couple of days ago. Pretty neat huh? Imagine he can scratch his feet without ever having to bend down to do it!:p

of course, but people can only be expected follow regulations if they are enforced. you got it right with the toll roads, there's simply no profit for the chinese government in enforcing better regulations across the board, no profit in establishing the rule of law. (well maybe profit for all of society in the form of fairer business deals and social justice, but no greater immediate profits for the interested parties who currently monopolize politics in china)

Toll roads are a scam everywhere! Even hear in Houston when the Beltway 8 was built by a private company with tax payers money, the toll was suppose to pay for the cost for the construction in itself over the years. It's been more than 10 years and the toll fees keeps rising and there is no end to it. IT SHOULD be free by now!:mad:


Re: Chinese Daily Photos, Videos & News of 2013!!!

There are a lot of them here in the US as well. BUT i won't discriminate as I will sample each locale one trip at a time.:eek:

As long as you're still single more power to you... sampling is good! LOL I find south american chicas muy buena however they have crazy temper because they're loca cabeza! if you know what I mean.
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