This is not a Religion Thread.
We try and steer away from theological and religious discussions here for the same reasons we steer clear of politics and ideology.
This thread is about Chinese culture and though I know some of that can be linked to underlying is not what we are about here on SD with such a diverse membership.
if you want to discuss religion in detail (like what is going on here) then please PM one another about it.
Personal expressions of faith as they relate to your own experiences on the REAL WORLD thread or other such threads is fine (as long as you do not try and proselyte or condemn others) ...but we are not going to go into detail and deep theology or the nature of how particular religions were founded.
That is all...get back on topic please.
We try and steer away from theological and religious discussions here for the same reasons we steer clear of politics and ideology.
This thread is about Chinese culture and though I know some of that can be linked to underlying is not what we are about here on SD with such a diverse membership.
if you want to discuss religion in detail (like what is going on here) then please PM one another about it.
Personal expressions of faith as they relate to your own experiences on the REAL WORLD thread or other such threads is fine (as long as you do not try and proselyte or condemn others) ...but we are not going to go into detail and deep theology or the nature of how particular religions were founded.
That is all...get back on topic please.