Chinese Cultural Discussions

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Jeff Head

Registered Member
This is not a Religion Thread.

We try and steer away from theological and religious discussions here for the same reasons we steer clear of politics and ideology.

This thread is about Chinese culture and though I know some of that can be linked to underlying is not what we are about here on SD with such a diverse membership.

if you want to discuss religion in detail (like what is going on here) then please PM one another about it.

Personal expressions of faith as they relate to your own experiences on the REAL WORLD thread or other such threads is fine (as long as you do not try and proselyte or condemn others) ...but we are not going to go into detail and deep theology or the nature of how particular religions were founded.

That is all...get back on topic please.



Rationalism + (most) Confucian morals + meritocracy = win.

To be clear, I have profound respect for most Confucian values, including the spirit, if not the letter, of filial piety. I believe Confucian values played the most important role in keeping China united as a "civilization state" despite the rise and fall of dynasties and through periods of fragmentation. It is one of, if not the, most important aspect of Chinese cultural identity.

Nevertheless, there are aspects of Confucianism that I believe is no longer relevant in the 21st century, and is even detrimental to the well-being and progress of Chinese society. One other example that comes to mind is its implicit, if not explicit, support for polygamism. This is returning to Chinese society in the form of mistresses.

It is also important to know that while Confucius was by far the most influential thinker in Chinese history, he was far from the only one. There are many other schools of thought which, even if they're not as well known, also offer valuable insight.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Jeff, can I get some clarification? What religion are you talking about?
If you are talking about Confucianism - it is NOT a religion.



You are relatively new to SD so I will give you a pass this time...but that is no excuse for not reading the rules.

If you have a question about moderation, PM a moderator.

In this case...I was specifically referring to the BUddhist discussion which was plainly obviously discussed at length in the thread.

Now, let me say this...Confucianism can get just as fundamental, just as strident, just as adhered to as any religion or ideology. If the discussion goes there with respect to will be treated the same.


I'm curious, does anyone here watch the CCTV Spring Festival Gala? This is a show that has been a tradition of the Chinese New Year since 1983, and interestingly enough, it hasn't changed much since then.

Certainly the show have evolved, and the singers and performers have changed, but the nature of the gala has remained largely the same. The words recited by the hosts in the 2015 gala would not have been out of place in 1983. There is a heavy political presence to the entire show.

Nevertheless, the show continues to be a powerful tradition. Practically every family tunes in to watch the show during their New Year's Eve dinner.


Lieutenant General
I'm curious, does anyone here watch the CCTV Spring Festival Gala? This is a show that has been a tradition of the Chinese New Year since 1983, and interestingly enough, it hasn't changed much since then.

Certainly the show have evolved, and the singers and performers have changed, but the nature of the gala has remained largely the same. The words recited by the hosts in the 2015 gala would not have been out of place in 1983. There is a heavy political presence to the entire show.

Nevertheless, the show continues to be a powerful tradition. Practically every family tunes in to watch the show during their New Year's Eve dinner.

I try to catch it late at night on the local CCTV English channel.


Yeh I noticed that. The repeated heavy emphasis on "Chinese dream" seems like something out of the propoganda cookbook.

Yup, pretty much they just keep repeating the current political slogan. A few years ago, it was Hu's "Three No's" or something like that.

The CPC loves their slogans. It makes me wonder if any of that actually resonates with the people or it's just something to please the political cadre. Really, the CPC's propaganda department is stuck in the 70's.
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