Chinese Aviation Industry


Registered Member
Does anyone know what the closing of Russian airspace entails? Is it just european and NA airliners?

If that's the case then asian carriers are about to dominate the asia-europe and maybe asia-us trips
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Does anyone know what the closing of Russian airspace entails? Is it just european and NA airliners?
If that's the case then asian carriers are about to dominate the asia-europe and maybe asia-us trips
It is just to the countries which sanctioned Aeroflot forbidding them to fly there. This is basically the EU/UK and US/Canada thus far I think.
Should have massive impact to flights between Europe and East Asia and perhaps from US to Middle East.


AG600's nose landing gear has successfully passed the drop test and certification.



New Member
Registered Member
Not directly related but if *Russia* is 10 years behind the world in commercial aerospace technology (even before the tech bans); doesn't that mena that China is decades away from being able to make a workable commercial airliner on the scale of the A320 which was deployed by Europe *50 years ago*?
This isn't a game of age of empires where someone researches chemistry before you.

Commercial aerospace requires a multitude of technologies, materials, advancement, prototyping, testing etc to end up with something.

I wouldn't be surprised if China were close to 2 decades behind atm given the circumstances. No input (example) from Honeywell etc and the slew of american sub-component manufacturers.

That's not in itself a bad thing in terms of self-sustainability, if focus was given.

Certain countries are at certain levels. The japs probably have better matsci than the Americans, who don't have the due diligence, but the money and research necessary to plough through.