Chinese Aviation Industry


Senior Member's all about the Benjamin (Ben Franklin on the $100 bill) or should I the Mao (Chinese RMB).

my first thought was that magical word too, PROFITS. but would a bank just go into any biz that is profitable even if they know nothing abt it?


but why are they in the biz of leasing aeroplanes in the first place?

A diversification of business is one, and pretty stable source of income for another. Also, an airline operator have to be at a certain size to make it reasonable to own a fleet themselves, smaller regional carriers or budget airlines would have difficulty in doing so - leasing airliner would be easier, with a lower entry capital and budget, shorter waiting time to gain operational status...


Lieutenant General
my first thought was that magical word too, PROFITS. but would a bank just go into any biz that is profitable even if they know nothing abt it?

Banks could always hire outside firms to manage the business for a fixed fee.


Lieutenant General
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a couple of pieces of news here.
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In this one, African carriers order 6 Ma-60s. Including these orders, the MA60 series aircraft has received 202 orders—16 for the MA600 and 186 for the MA60. Some 54 MA60s have been delivered to airlines in China and abroad.

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Commercial Aircraft Corp of China, also known as COMAC, yesterday won an order for 20 C919 aircraft from the China Aircraft Leasing Co, the 10th deal for the nation's first passenger jumbo jet.

The deal has raised the order book for the 150-seat plane to 215, Shanghai-based Comac said. It gave no value for the latest contract

seems to be a few deals for leasing firms recently for C919. I'm not sure how sustainable this is.


Leasing of aircraft has many advantages to the operators, and good income for banks.

Operators are able to deduct leasing costs from their revenue, reducing their income tax liabilities. They also need not worry about how to dispose the aircraft and storage costs once the aircraft is not needed for business operations, they just simply return the aircraft to the bank.

As for the bank, they put up the capital sum of money for the purchase, and charge extra sum to the aircraft operators, not unlike mortgage interests of your cars. Profit return is attractive. The bank retain owenrship of aircraft, and should the aircraft be returned, they can lease it to another airlines operator.