There is always two sides to a coin.
By adopting passive stance, others will hit you more thinking you are an easy targets. But passive stance allows you conserve energy and observe more.
Active interference presents deterence.
Disadvantage is possible wasteful of resources and energy.
I think one needs to find the right combo at the right time
fully understand your argument.
Quick fix looks attractive, but always has collateral damage and unintentional side effects and ramifications.
OTOH, patience can be painful but will prevail in the long run.
20 years ago nobody in his or her right mind would dare to predict the sorry state in which US finds itself now. declining power and influence, failing economy, dwindling prospect, divided society, black-white conflict, and massive federal pay outs by printing money etc etc. a result of 30 years of wars, invasions, and seemingly clever quick fixes which turn out to be shooting one's own feet.
while 30 years of peaceful development, patient self restraint, and non interference policy has brought China where it is today.
I am not saying that China should stay forever this way, its foreign policy may one day be forced to become more assertive and aggressive, but I believe the time is not now, certainly not with a just cause. Punching the Myanmar military is like a picnic in the park, as far as the PLA is concerned, but what for ? Is it worth it to be seen and judged to be a big bully to secure the oil pipeline in Myanmar ?? All the years of China cultivating a benign and benevolent image, and support from other developing countries gone with one stroke.
Perhaps one day, when the rest of the world is sick and tired of western hypocrisy and exploitation / meddling in their internal affairs and destabilizing their countries, and calls for China to be the world leader, then and then should China step out and accept the challenge.