China's transport, tanker & heavy lift aircraft


Junior Member
Now this is seriously impressive - Y-20 did a loop-de-loop!


Now, I have to say I have never seen C-17 or any other transport aircraft do something like that...except for the C-27J Spartan!

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I am sure this is the choice of the designer of Y-20 not fitting winglets at this stage, may be we will seen them later when Y-20 is fitted with new engines or at its final design stage.

China should have no problem accessing various winglets designs as it is not a secret and there are thousands of commercials jets in China with winglets.

Meanwhile here is a PLAAF Y-5 light transport that is still in airforce service. Notice the double winglets.


Oh, another one, Y-7

Sorry, I could not resist this one, quad winglets on Y-5, a variant of the first photo.
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Junior Member
I am simply dumbfounded every time I see that ol' Biplane. the ultimate in the "if it ain't broke don't fix it mentality"

It's still widely used in China, in many areas. For example, in sky diving, in spreading of seeds for farmers, in putting out small forest fires, in spreading fertilisers and pesticides, etc.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Now this is seriously impressive - Y-20 did a loop-de-loop!


Didn't see any loop in that video, just a steeply banked turn. Did you link the correct one?


Shaanfei, Hanzhong, China Image Date: 07/16/2014




Also 5 Y-7 like planes there, But Shaanfei does not make Y-7's There were 23 Y-9's and 2 Y-8's

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asif iqbal

Lieutenant General

From bottom up looks like what is next to KJ-500 is a Y-9 length looks similar and can't see any tail boom, balance beam or nose cone on either of them so Y-9 transport

From bottom up

Yellow KJ-500, Grey Y-9 transport, Yellow KJ-500, Grey Y-9 transport, Yellow Y-9 transport and and last two white Y-8 variants

Top left and corner look again like 2 x Y-9 transport

Do we really have 4 x Y-9 well it's not impossible one showed up at the Zhuhai airshow


New Member
Yep the camera is banking up from near horizon to almost vertical skywards as the Y-20 flying overhead to turn a loop.

Exactly. The point is that the Y-20 makes a horizontal (although banked) loop while the C-27J does a vertical loop, otherwise known as a loop-de-loop.

That being said, I doubt it's even possible for an aircraft of the Y-20's weight class (especially with current engines) to complete a true loop-de-loop, for the demands put on propulsion and stress on the airframe would likely be too massive.