China's transport, tanker & heavy lift aircraft


The C-27J is in service with ten nations and will undoubtedly secure more customers in the years ahead. The American interservice rivalry debacle with the aircraft is neither here nor there.

As for the advantages of a new twin-engine 12-15 ton airlifter over Y-9, the major one is cost -- although as with C-27J there are secondary benefits in terms of number/proportion of accessible airfields. Chinese hardware is cheap, but Y-9, like C-130J, will still struggle to compete against modern designs like KC-390 in the decades ahead. Add the potential of leveraging commonality with this newly unveiled medium airlifter, and fielding a modern, clean-sheet design is a no-brainer.
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Tyrant King
Okay your talking Export goal, I am Talking inside the PLAAF.

In any event One thing I find interesting is the Choice made in the concept model of the "New Intermediate Transport" they chose turboprops. The US speed Agile and Japanese Kawasaki C-2 have been looking at Turbofans
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A couple of planform shots Y-20 with landing gears deployed.


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Lieutenant General
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I suppose it does make sense in a way for PLA to have their own "lite" A400M.

Many nations going for A400M lack strategic airlifters like Il-76, C-17 or Y-20, but they also want to deploy newer, heavier IFVs combat ready into theatres. So I suppose it makes sense for them to have a heavier 37 ton max payload. PLAAF otoh will have the Y-20 with a 66 ton payload for strategic transport duties, so it makes sense for their next generation tactical airlifter to cap its payload capability with carrying a combat ready IFV into theatre.
But it still seems strange that they're thinking so far ahead with a Y-9 replacement even when Y-9 is only starting to enter limited service as is.

As for a 15 ton payload airlifter, I think it's a bit early to speculate.

Okay your talking Export goal, I am Talking inside the PLAAF.

In any event One thing I find interesting is the Choice made in the concept model of the "New Intermediate Transport" they chose turboprops. The US speed Agile and Japanese Kawasaki C-2 have been looking at Turbofans

A400M chose turboprops, I'm sure they all have their advantages and disadvantages.

Speed Agile also has stealth requirements (god knows why, it's a tactical airlifter for god's sake), so a turboprop wouldn't be a wise decision


Tyrant King
But it still seems strange that they're thinking so far ahead with a Y-9 replacement even when Y-9 is only starting to enter limited service as is.
Well Even when this heavier lifter enters there will still be roles for a lighter type, particularly some of the special mission roles. additionally if they intend to place the "NIT" as there tactical lifter then it might be a good idea to push the NIT air frames right to that job well keeping Utility, Tanker and AEW roles for the Y9. that way they can focus on producing numbers for operation.

A400M chose turboprops, I'm sure they all have their advantages and disadvantages.

Speed Agile also has stealth requirements (god knows why, it's a tactical airlifter for god's sake), so a turboprop wouldn't be a wise decision
USSocom has been pushing for reduced detection levels on it's transporters. As many like to point out the US is a very Aggressive nation when it comes to our national security and international interests abroad, and After the Iran Hostage rescue failure at Desert one. Socom wanted a number of special capabilities. one of the things on that list was the ability to penetrate enemy air defences. because of the cost entailed in development of a stealth lifter, I think the Air Force when it drew up the requirements was pushing to integrate some of the basic stealth characteristics at the start so that a USSOCOM stealth transport would cost less to produce then having to develop a entirely special one off.
Also given that Air defences and radars are more and more available having a smaller radar cross section might be a want to allow American/ Allied Rapid reaction forces who might use such transports to get in the door closer to the front lines before true Air superiority is established.
That all said there have been a number of other concepts forwarded for JFTL and many lacked stealth features particularly those that emphasized HLVTOL.


Two videos of Y-20 performing a practice run for the air show.




Lieutenant General
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Guys has airshow started?

As far as I know officially only on 11. November ... as such I still hope for a J-10B, J-15 & J-16 and what's with the JF-17, JL-10/L-15 ??? ... but how's the weather like today ?? :confused: Yesterday all flight were cancelled due to heavy rain. :(
