I am curious of the fate of the "
", the full text in Chinese is here
The expiration is due on August 30th, 2021. Article 7 (quote below) concerns the extension and cancellation.
第 七 条
after the signature, the footnote says
The Chinese language literally says, the treaty remains effective before agreement regarding the change or termination is reached.
The footnote says, if one party want to change or terminate, one must notice the other party within half year of the expiration date, otherwise the treaty automatically extend to another 20 years.
These two seems conflicting. What if one party notices the other the intension of terminating, the other party refuse to reach the said agreement in article 7? Or deliberately delay an agreement?
Of course, it will be terminated if one party is determined just like a divorce without reaching an agreement, but the legality of the treaty texts is also a serious concern.
Another more interesting question is what is China's position on this treaty today. Last time when the treaty was extended, the official position still called "the tie made of blood and sacrifice". Since last year, the official position is "normal national relationship", that essentially put Sino-NK relationship on the same rank as Sino-SK relationship on diplomatic terms.
I personally would prefer the extension IF NK listen to China's call to de-nuclearize and drop the tone of ultra-toughness, in that the continuation serves as a carrot. But, if Kim keeps playing deaf, threatening of termination can be a stick.