No, it has a lot of fundamental geographic and demographic attributes which make it exceptional.
1. It is uniquely situated amongst any major nation such that it has no real landward geopolitical competitors, current or potential, and protected from any potential peer powers by oceanic distances.
2. It is the only major nation so situated that its access to the seas are not choked by geographic choke points.
3. it is the only developed, or for that matter, developing, country that is overendowed with arable land and still retain the capacity to support a large further increase in population. Therefore it is the only major developed country that faces no aging population crisis, and that retains the capacity to sustain significant economic growth rate over the next century. Currently there is one American for every 5 Chinese or Indian. Current population growth trends projects that in 100 years, there will be 6 Americans for every 10 Chinese or Indians.
4. It along with Russia and Brazil are the only major country with the geological potential for energy independence in the near future.
5. While its social and economic mobility is overhyped, it is still greater than those of any other major nation, and it has demonstrated the capacity to generate and profit from innovation greater than any other nation.
Of all the countries that had been great powers in the last 200 years, America is the only one that has fundamental reasons for being able remain so for the next 100 years.