During the entire post pre-trump Cold War era the US had little real need to consider repercussion, both mid and long term, of its own action. So it’s foreign policy establishment is has long fallen out of the habit of doing its homework. Blinken’s entire career had been forged during that era. In effect blinken is a foreign policy specialist who cut his teeth in the era of wanting and not in thinking and real planning. In any other era, he would be called a career foreign policy hack.
Forget about Trump and his administration, which was a foreign policy disaster. Just look at what has happened since Biden took office. It's been astounding what they have "accomplished" in merely a few months.
Iran - A return to JCPOA was highly anticipated initially. That hope was almost completely dashed while hardliners took power in Iran now.
Russia - The halfhearted effort to win over Russia was dead before it could even start. Calling Putin "killer" and continued provocations on Ukraine and other issues made Russia more determined than ever to embrace alliance with China.
China - China held hope to at least establish some kind of normal relationship with the US under Biden administration. It sent two of its highest diplomatic officials to the remote and cold Anchorage to meet their counterparts, despite all the belligerent US rhetoric and actions before the meeting. The US didn't even bother to make some symbolic gestures (for example, agree to re-open Houston/Chengdu consulate offices); Blinken and Sullivan instead indulged in "from-the-position-of-strength" condescending and scolding against the Chinese (to score domestic points). That was the last straw. Immediately after the Anchorage meeting, China signed the 25-year, $400 billion strategic deal with Iran at long last; invited Russian foreign minister Lavrov to Guilin for close consultation; gathered ASEAN foreign ministers to China for meetings on regional issues. Russia and China are now in a de-facto alliance.
Afghanistan - The unfolding US withdrawal crisis.
So, in a short span of a few months, the Eurasia strategic and geopolitical landscape have significantly changed. A potential China-Russia-Iran block is looming, with the US/NATO out of the picture.
On the "friends and allies" front, which is the area that Biden promised the biggest change from Trump, Biden team has made a lot of efforts and noises, without much results of substance to show.
QUAD - much hope was placed on it, but it's almost dead on arrival, with India being mauled left and right and deeply weakened. The whole idea of the US's Indo-Pacific strategy (from Obama's Pivot to Asia) was premised on India's joining the clique, however reluctantly.
EU/NATO - The US was able to squeeze out some statements on human rights, Xinjiang "genocide" and, concerns on stability in Taiwan Strait (a huge accomplishment!). The allies felt enough pressure to have sent or plan to send some ships through SCS to demonstrate solidarity, with their journeys either staying away from Chinese territory or potentially adding a friendly port of call in China. Hard to imagine the US can rely on these allies in a Taiwan or SCS contingency.
ASEAN - The US is working hard on it, with high-level visits and conference calls. But it's been a tough sell and it's very difficult to image that the US can make much headway there.
To summarize, the diplomatic scorecard for the Biden team has been terrible so far.