China's strategy in Afghanistan.


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Isn't Afghanistan the missing piece in central asia that now, potentially with the cooperation of a Taliban government in Kabul, connect the dots in the China-Russia-Iran axis? Wouldn't it be ideal for China if a stable Afghanistan is slowly integrated into the security framework of Central Asia, and eventually becomes a member of the SCO? This would of course depend on how the Taliban choose to run the country henceforth.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
It has little to do with how Taliban chose to run Afghanistan, it has everything to do with whether a theocracy that derive its power from an violently expansionist religion with universal domination as a core tenant, and that has lot to prove in light of its setbacks in the last 400 years, could really isolate itself from the desire of many more fanatical adherents of that religion to attempt to live up to that tenant.

The reason why Iran looks more palatable than the Taliban is not because they ran Iran better, but because Iranian foreign policy could be better understood as a conventional foreign policy, irrespective of what Israel says, and not an quest to reignite 8th century Islam.


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Yeah so now we have three people claiming to be the head of state of Afghanistan.
The Afghan embassy in Tajikistan on Wednesday asked Interpol to arrest former president Ashraf Ghani, on charges of stealing from the country’s treasury, as the former leader was welcomed into
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after fleeing his country when it became clear that the Taliban would take control of the capital, Kabul.
Embassy officials were also photographed removing Ghani's portrait from the wall, replacing it with the photo of the country’s vice president Amrullah Saleh, who previously
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that under the Afghan constitution he should over as caretaker President “in absence, escape, resignation or death of the President.”
Saleh has claimed on Twitter that he is currently inside the country
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—a stronghold of the anti-Taliban Northern Alliance militia
The democratic choice, ladies and gentlemen. US university professor and World Bank staffer. 4 cars and a helicopter full of cash.

Richard Santos

Registered Member
Not 71 years. From 1912 to 1941, ROC/KMT had close relationship with Russia and Nazi German. Only after attack on Pearl harbor by Japanese did USA decided to aid ROC.
not true. the US provided considerable material and personnel aid well before pearl harbor. Relation with germany withered to effectively nothing well before pearl harbor as Nazi Germany relented under japanese pressure to break off relationship with KMT/ROC. KMT/soviet relationship also withered to effectively nothing between late 1939, at the conclusion of Nomenhan incident in Manchuria and roughly coinciding Stalin’s attention turning west with the beginning of the war in Europe, and June 1941 when Germany invaded the Soviet Union.

For 2 years between the end of 1939 and Dec 1941, the US was the only major power providing significant material and personnel assistance to ROC/KMT


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Afghanistan: Desperate women throw babies over razor wire at compound, asking British soldiers to take them​

This sort of thing will be going on for weeks and weeks.


Lieutenant General
not true. the US provided considerable material and personnel aid well before pearl harbor. Relation with germany withered to effectively nothing well before pearl harbor as Nazi Germany relented under japanese pressure to break off relationship with KMT/ROC. KMT/soviet relationship also withered to effectively nothing between late 1939, at the conclusion of Nomenhan incident in Manchuria and roughly coinciding Stalin’s attention turning west with the beginning of the war in Europe, and June 1941 when Germany invaded the Soviet Union.

For 2 years between the end of 1939 and Dec 1941, the US was the only major power providing significant material and personnel assistance to ROC/KMT
I think soviet Union did provide the bulk of military assistance to China starting from 1931 They open land route from Central Asia to Lanzhou where they funnel large consignment of tank, munition, howitzer, plane, fuel. Even Soviet pilot assist China in war against Japan. Large number of them die in China. They erected memorial in Lanzhou and still tabulated the name who die. CCTV make a documentary to remember this Soviet help called China lifeline in the west

Soviet pilot, Gregory Kulishenko, died a martyr's death 80 years ago in China, devoting his life to the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in World War II.
Chinese people owe debt of gratitude to Soviet/Russia forever
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Richard Santos

Registered Member
I think soviet Union did provide the bulk of military assistance to China starting from 1931 They open land route from Central Asia to Lanzhou where they funnel large consignment of tank, munition, howitzer, plane, fuel. Even Soviet pilot assist China in war against Japan. Large number of them die in China. They erected memorial in Lanzhou and still tabulated the name who die. CCTV make a documentary to remember this Soviet help called China lifeline in the west

Soviet pilot, Gregory Kulishenko, died a martyr's death 80 years ago in China, devoting his life to the Chinese People's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression in World War II.

yes, but mainly between 1931 and Sept 1939, when the Soviet Union and Japan agreed to a cease fire after the Nomenhan border incident in Manchuria.

Stalin had judged the defeat of japanese Kwangtong army during the battle of Kulchin Gol at Nomenhan afforded sufficient deterrence to the japanese so that Soviet Union’s eastern flank is adequately secured, so he no longer needed to continue to irritate japan by supporting KMT/ROC to tie down the japanese. From Sept 1939 to June 1941 Soviet diplomatic attention was essentially fixed on the war in Europe.

After Germany crushed France, Stalin sought to further secure his easter flank diplomatically so he could concentrate on the west by concluding a formal Neutrality pact with Japan in early 1941. This neutrality lasted until Stalin decided to break it in August 1945 to honor his new commitment to the US and UK made in Yalta, but mainly to be in on the spoils on mainland asia and in Japan if the war between the US and Japan turns into a grinding invasion of japanese home island, which seemed probable in May-July 1945.

So during all of WWII in the west, and up until the atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the USSR provided almost no assistance to ROC/KMT
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Registered Member
Isn't Afghanistan the missing piece in central asia that now, potentially with the cooperation of a Taliban government in Kabul, connect the dots in the China-Russia-Iran axis? Wouldn't it be ideal for China if a stable Afghanistan is slowly integrated into the security framework of Central Asia, and eventually becomes a member of the SCO? This would of course depend on how the Taliban choose to run the country henceforth.
I am not sure if Taliban will cooperate. It seems like they are breaking their promises and going back to the way they were before.

Iran also hates the Taliban and will never cooperate with them, since Taliban are Sunni and view Shia Iranians as heretics.