@Bright Sword
Putin might be religious and trying to get back some of the symbols of Imperial Russia. But I don't think he is leading the country into some sort of obscurantism. If anything he regenerated the governing structure which had fell into shambles in the 1990s. Russia might have gotten the flags and decorations back from Imperial Times but the anthem is the Soviet one with different lyrics. I think he's just trying to coalesce the nationalist spirit of the nation. Much like what Napoleon did when he introduced the Napoleonic Code and later crowned himself Emperor.
He is trying to piece together the nation. It does not mean he will change the main functions of the state. In Imperial Russia the Church controlled the services of education and medicine. That has been moved to the state and will remain so. The Church only has the divine mandate but the temporal power is ruled by the elected government. The Church only provides moral guidance.
With regards to Siberia, Russia has made some massive investments in the Far East. The Power of Siberia Pipeline and before that the Sakhalin Gas Project are massive investments. Just look at the Amur Gas Processing Plant (Amur GPP).
This is just one investment made related to the Power of Siberia Pipeline. It will filter out useful gases from the natural gas leaving out only the methane for export to China. Among the filtered gases, it will filter helium. Once complete in the middle of this decade, it will generate a tremendous amount of helium. Enough to make Russia the second helium producer after the USA. Helium is important to many technologies, including space launch, low-temperature superconductors, etc. Curiously the Amur GPP location is close to that of Vostochny Cosmodrome. Another major project in the Far East which already has a launch pad for Soyuz rockets and soon will have another pad for Angara rockets.
As long as China can trade for the resources in the Far East with Russia I don't think there will be any friction.
I agree that we will likely see an integration of Russia and China's early warning systems into some sort of NORAD like regime.
Like I said in another thread some time ago Russia has the potential to be China's Canada basically. The same role Canada has in the USA economy, of providing natural resources and some technical know-how, will likely be filled by Russia vs China.