No one else is going to sacrifice their lives because the US is losing its status in the world. China, the 2nd most powerful country in the world, has beaten every other Western country and their superior system without using its military. No excuses to bomb. That's why the US is constrained. The US is trying to get allies to do all the dirty work to lessen the damage to itself by spreading the pain. Translation... not so omnipotent.
Is the world slipping away from an age of reason into medieval barbarism? This has happened before when the age of reason in Greece vanished before a dark era lasting 600 years. The Roman empire was first weakened by the Huns and then fell to the Visigoths. There were waves of barbarian attacks and religious wars. Pechenags, Kipchaks, Mongols. The Crusades.,
Russia is the latest country to be seen to slip into obscurantism The eclipse of reason in a country that once courageously unshackled itself from centuries of rule by a church backed monarchy is frightening.This unshackling is described in detail in the book
"How the steel was Tempered " by Nikolai Ostrovsky.,
It is not merely a symbolic replacement of the Red Star by the Double Headed Eagle or painting yellow and brown stripes ( the ribbon of St. George) on the Armata tanks which is ominous.
When the head of a state kneels before the Grand Patriarch and kisses his hand, it is a lamentable reversal of the decades of sacrifices by rationalists to build a nation with a scientific temperament. A proud nation that emerged from the ashes of a world war and sent the first man into space is now reversing into a theocracy.
The reason there was no nuclear
annihilation in the Cold War was because the communists knew that there was no existence other than what was present, and there was no paradise or hereafter. The Soviet Union and their allies wanted to live and see their grandchildren. Their weapons were a deterrent only.
The Soviet Union and the era of reason it fostered has gone forever.
Russia has inherited crumbling remnants of the Soviet Union's once mighty arsenal and industrial military complex.Russia is isolated and in the crosshairs of an intact NATO that wants a break up of the Federation to grab the vast natural resources of Siberia. Economically and militarily weak, a frightened Russia is depending on religion and the Almighty to save it from the onslaught.
Although Putin dropped a broad hint at a China Russia military alliance no country is going to fight a weak Russia's battle for survival. With poverty and malnutrition Russians are depleting their population so fast soon the last Russian will be extinct.
In this age of darkness China has emerged as an economic and military force for reason that the Soviet Union could never achieve. In the coming era China remains the only hope against the revival of the darkest forces that would plunge the world into a nuclear holocaust.