Well, given that the LM-12A will be only one of the multiple (8) Chinese medium/heavy lift reusable rockets in operation within the next 5 years, competing for a spot at Wenchang commercial launchpads alongside all the other (eight) players for a spot of the 60 launches a year? And this is assuming Wenchang-C3 and C4 are completed tomorrow.I don't know where you got that diea from, but plans and proposals for at least 65 satellite constellations have been released by various Chinese entities. According to declarations made to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the total number of planned LEO satellites declared by China has reached 80,000. The need for reusable launch vehicles is therefore astronomical, as is the need for engines.
Also, assuming they actually want to make it reusable and comparing it with the player that has captive the international market for themselves, there is "only" 17 Falcon-9 boosters concurrently in service at any given time (let us ignore Falcon Heavy), each with a lifespan of around 3 years before being expended, totalling a whopping 51 Merlin 1D in addition to 134 (2024 figures) expendable second stage Merlin 1D vacuum engines per year this figure doesn't even reach the 200 engines a year needed. And, again, in case you missed the first part, this is the most successful rocket company in history with a captive world market pushed by imperialistic ambitions of the hegemon nation.
And you want the LM-12A to use 300 engines/year? How? Where are you going to fit them? Where will they launch from? What sort of reusability should we expect if you require that many engines per year? Explain.
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