China's Space Program Thread II


DeepBlue plans to carry out the first orbital launch and recovery of its Nebula-1 launch vehicle in the 2nd quarter of this year.


DeepBlue is
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for fuselage and propellant tanks for its Nebula-1 launch vehicle in the city of Bengbu (蚌埠), Anhui province. Once it opens in August, it's set to produce 30 tanks and 10 fuselage per year.



An informational video on the YF-102V, which will be use in a flight for the first time in 2025. It's a 72-ton LOX/Kerosene vacuum engine based on the YF-102 but with extensive use of 3D printed parts. It has a vacuum thrust of 710kN, with a thrust adjustment range of 70-100%

CASC has successfully conducted a full system hot test run of the 2nd-stage propulsion system for the reusable Long March 12B launch vehicle.


By the way, the YF-102 reusable engine –– specifically the vacuum version called YF-102V –– that powers the 2nd-stage of Long March 12B is
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. The production line for the YF-102 is set to open this month and will be capable of producing 300 engines per year.



Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Shiyan-24C 1/2/3 and Shijian-6 05A/B
demonstrated satellite dogfighting
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Did the moron just admitted the US already developed the same “against international norms of behavior, go against that gentleman's agreement, and they're willing to do it in very unsafe and unprofessional manners” technologies?
"Unfortunately, our current adversaries are willing to go against international norms of behavior, go against that gentleman's agreement, and they're willing to do it in very unsafe and unprofessional manners," Guetlein said.

The capability gap between the U.S. and its competitors has also "significantly narrowed," he said, urging the U.S. to rethink its approach to space before adversaries gain the upper hand.


New Member
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The production line for the YF-102 is set to open this month and will be capable of producing 300 engines per year.
Is there any other reusable engine production line that produces that many engines per year? What is the point of this level of production if the number of rockets in concurrent service shouldn't exceed the single digits? Are they going to use the YF-102 for satellites of a large constellation or something?


What is the point of this level of production if the number of rockets in concurrent service shouldn't exceed the single digits?

I don't know where you got that diea from, but plans and proposals for at least 65 satellite constellations have been released by various Chinese entities. According to declarations made to the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the total number of planned LEO satellites declared by China has reached 80,000. The need for reusable launch vehicles is therefore astronomical, as is the need for engines.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Is there any other reusable engine production line that produces that many engines per year? What is the point of this level of production if the number of rockets in concurrent service shouldn't exceed the single digits? Are they going to use the YF-102 for satellites of a large constellation or something?
What makes you think space launch will be any different from literally every other industry in term of China scale?


Registered Member
If I'm reading this
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correctly, Ziyang Commercial Space Launch Technology Research Institute (资阳商业航天发射技术研究院) is nearing completion on a prototype electromagnetic space launcher, which it plans to commence testing soon. I haven't been able to find much about the institute, whether it's affiliated with any government agency or a private endeavor. However, I do recall that Galactic Energy was exploring electromagnetic launching technology with unnamed partners. I wonder if this institute has to do with that effort.

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It seems that this institute is the commercial front of CASIC 3rd institute.



“充分发挥航天三院、星河动力等龙头企业带动作用,积极引进上下游、左右岸企业,形成龙头强、链条全,国有、民营支撑互补的优势发展格局。”张梦宁提到,目前资阳已初步形成商业航天产业聚集区,成为省内商业航天产业发展的重要一极。(四川日报全媒体记者 田姣 宁宁)