星河动力只是资阳布局商业航天产业的一个起点。当前,资阳正聚焦新一代航天发射技术进行前瞻布局。2023年9月,中国航天科工集团第三研究院(简称“航天三院”)在资阳注册成立资阳商业航天发射技术研究院,成为全省首个专注于商业航天发射技术的新型研发机构。If I'm reading this correctly, Ziyang Commercial Space Launch Technology Research Institute (资阳商业航天发射技术研究院) is nearing completion on a prototype electromagnetic space launcher, which it plans to commence testing soon. I haven't been able to find much about the institute, whether it's affiliated with any government agency or a private endeavor. However, I do recall that Galactic Energy was exploring electromagnetic launching technology with unnamed partners. I wonder if this institute has to do with that effort.
It seems that this institute is the commercial front of CASIC 3rd institute.
“充分发挥航天三院、星河动力等龙头企业带动作用,积极引进上下游、左右岸企业,形成龙头强、链条全,国有、民营支撑互补的优势发展格局。”张梦宁提到,目前资阳已初步形成商业航天产业聚集区,成为省内商业航天产业发展的重要一极。(四川日报全媒体记者 田姣 宁宁)