China's Space Program Thread II


Junior Member
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Providing a quick translation:

On August 14, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Lin Jian answered questions from reporters.

CNN: (Reporters from Bloomberg, Deutsche Presse-Agentur, and RIA Novosti also asked)
According to space monitoring agencies and the U.S. Space Command, China's Long March 6 carrier rocket disintegrated in low-Earth orbit last week after launching from the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Center on August 6.
According to multiple space debris tracking agencies, this led to the formation of a debris cloud consisting of hundreds of pieces.
Can China confirm and provide the latest monitoring information?
What measures is China taking to monitor and deal with debris, and what measures has it taken to prevent such incidents from happening again in the future?

Lin Jian:
The relevant activities are peaceful uses of outer space activities carried out in accordance with international law and international practice.
China has taken necessary measures and is closely monitoring the relevant orbital areas and conducting data analysis.
As a responsible major country, China attaches great importance to space debris mitigation, actively fulfills relevant international obligations in outer space activities, regulates its own space activities, and requires the implementation of space debris mitigation measures after satellites and carrier rockets complete their missions, promotes the protection of the outer space environment, and maintains the long-term sustainability of outer space activities.


A flexible performance test fixture for large aperture antennas developed by CASC. The fixture appears to have several six-degree-of-freedom mounting platforms for antenna sections.



DeepBlue has officially confirmed the high-altitude VTVL test will be carried out in August. Also, the company's Nebula-2 reusable launch vehicle is scheduled to make its first flight at the end of 2025.


DeepBlue's high-altitude VTVL test has been delayed slightly to early September. If the test goes well, a 100km VTVL test will quickly follow in October.



Just Hatched
Registered Member
Another US propaganda department's shell company headed by a former US military personel Tim Solms
View attachment 133841

Any such capability of tracking of small debris would need large space and ground assets that only a national agency has such as NORAD which is part of US military. It would sound more "credible" if such "information" is spread by "open source", "NGO" and "concerned citizens" instead of US military. This company only got "infor" from NORAD and acted as a mounth-piece. Doe NORAD actually have anything real? Is it going to get in a fight with China who will return in showing American's debrises? For me, these so-called "expert" and "scienctists" are on the same leve as CNN "reporters" having credibility deficits.

It is same game repeating all over again, and I am sure it will continue.
Calling Slingshot Aerospace an "independent space watching organization" is utter cynicism and the same disingenious rethoric "independent" American state propaganda mouthpieces like CNN and Washington Post utilize.

First they sell services to track space debris. Their business thrives of concern about debris and concern can be manfuactured with hyperbolic and sensationalist statements about space debris, hypothetical space debris or even just any assumed space debris and objects in space that need monitoring. They have a monetary incentive to manufacture panic. The fact its an American company and a Chinese spacecraft means they can say whatever they want without scrutiny. Its easy picking for them. Thats just a fact in American conversation space. They have not and wont make compareable escapades about American space debris.

Second they benefit from attracting American media with hyperbolic and sensationalist statements about anything they monitor. They have a monetary incentive to get picked up by newspapers. Its free advertisement for them. More often its a simbiotic relationship. Like their stories about Russian spy satelites that had no substance but made headlines in American media.

Third as pointed out they employ "ex" US military. If Huawei beomes a "state run company" because of a single employee serving in Chinas military before, then Slingshot Aerospace is anything but "independent". The company Slingshot Aerospace works for the US government and US military ffs.

That's a very nice sentiment, but 4 out of the 7 launches of the 6A have been recorded leaving debris. That's not an anomaly.
American SpaceX Starlink deployments "regularly" "have been recorded" leaving "debris". We can also add scary words like "large chunks" that, since you are so well aware of the English language, dont actually mean anything without proper contextualization. So sure theres no anomaly. Happens all the time. End of story? I guess thats not the kind of spin you were looking for.

And what do you call 700 objects? Asuming there ever have been 700 objects thats your job to find out. There are MILLIONS of known "objects", most of them created by Americans btw, orbiting our planet. American Starliner gas leaks left objects in space. American Starship tests left hundreds of "objects" in space. Why the sudden psychopathic rambling about China over 700 alleged objects. Thats a question they or you are ought to answer. Dont ask a Chinese defence forum to speculate and rationalize unverified claims from dubious sources and get furious when nobody jumps to wishful conclusions to justify some dishonest concern trolling and hypocrite condemnations.

We know were the complaints are coming from. American media and shizos braindamaged by it, hyperfocus on every real and unreal, potential and hypothetical incident and nonincident they can exploit to smear China or paint themself as superior. That includes the constant American trashtalk dumped into the internet space about "Chinese space debris". Dont even bother to continue this gaslighting. Ask your "independent space watching organization" whats going on. They made a fuzz about it.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
The company Slingshot Aerospace works for the US government and US military ffs.
Somehow lost this line: Slingshot Aerospace aquired the space division of Numerica. Numerica provided space monitoring services to the UK and US military (airforce) and sold radars to the US army. The company is literally headquartered and operating out of US military bases and a partnership of US State University and US military.[/b]


The chief of Changguan Satellite Technology revealed in an
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that a new generation of optical and radar satellites are under active development. The company plans to rapidly expand its Jilin-1 constellation to 300 satellites by the end of 2026.



An excerpt from what appears to be a financial report from Changguan. It states that Changguan has signed launch contracts with Galactic Energy (five launches using Ceres-1 for ¥156.8 million) and OrienSpace (four launches using Gravity-1 ¥780 million).
