When it comes to infrastructure and technology, newer is better. There's a reason why there's there's terms for "newspace" and "oldspace". I'm just asking why the brand new Wenchang launch pads have lower launch rates than decades old launchpads in America, I'm legit just curious.
By this logic, you cannot criticize anything. Haiti literally being run by gangs and eating people? Cannot say anything because it's not my country, I'm too demanding by asking failed states to stop eating people because I don't live there.
Anyway, this is clearly an issue within the chinese space sector, even the private companies have talked about how the lack of launchpad availability is gonna to be a bottleneck. Again, I'm just curious, you see billions being poured into satellites and rockets production but not launchsites? Even when the private companies are investing into new launch sites, it's for the inland sites, and not the existing coastal launch site or brand new coastal launch sites, even though reusable rockets would work better using coastal launch sites. Again, why?