China's Space Program Thread II


Registered Member
So it will launch shortly after US' Orion second flight. Pretty impressive considering there's 6 years gap between their first flights.
I think it is Orion program being very un-impressive by dragging 6 years between the two tests. The more than 2.5 year gap between the two launches of China's new spacecraft is very relaxed schedule.

For reference, Shenzhou had 4 launches in 3 years before Yang Liwei rode it. One of the launches was unscheduled, being inserted because a problem was found, so the plan was 3 launches in 3 years, the gap being 1 year. That may be aggressive, so I expect 3 year being a very relaxed schedule.


Senior Member
Registered Member
So this completed the construction of China's 1st space station. I'm wondering when more crew/international crew can be brought onboard.
It’s not complete until it’s in the T position, though I think we will see foreign astronauts very soon, maybe a German one even :)

We just saw the enthusiasm in HK for selection, I think China would like to recreate that around the world.

There is also the backup core module to consider. I have a funny feeling that’s going to be used soon too, maybe for international labs, not just cabinets.


A family photo of Tianhe, Wentian, and Mengtian modules of the Chinese space station.
