Interesting meanwhile highly unusual launch today.
On October 29th, 2022, a Long March 2D successfully placed the Experiment-20C (试验二十号C) satellite into orbit. This was the 445th launch of the Long March series of rockets.

Interesting meanwhile highly unusual launch today.
According to the guy heading the US space force, China is in all respects a peer competitor now.
There is no need to emulate the American practice. PLA strategic support corp (战略支援部队) is fulfilling the role of US Space force but with a much larger scope.Should China consider forming a new PLA branch, i.e. People's Liberation Army Space Force (PLASF) to specialize in outer space warfare?
(Not to be confused with People's Liberation Army Strategic Support Force (PLASSF).)
Regardless of the present international law, I believe the future of warfare would inevitably include outer space against peers like the US and Russia.
The interesting thing is that the mirror is mounted on the robotic arm (the big arm). The arm is used to turn the mirror through the space instead of thrusters used by Hubble. So in a matter of minutes, a space telescope would become "Keyhole" looking on the ground.Some basic technologies that will be used to manufacture and assemble the upcoming large aperture space telescope that is currently in formal engineering stage. The optical mirrors of the telescope are to be manufactured in space and assembled using robots.
The telescope is made up of hundreds of mirror elements are use to form a single, very large aperture. The mirrors are assembled using robots.
Ironically I've seen a few Americans online say the opposite: that PLASSF is a really good idea and they should have an equivalent of their own instead of Space Force.There is no need to emulate the American practice. PLA strategic support corp (战略支援部队) is fulfilling the role of US Space force but with a much larger scope.
First of all, the launching of governmental satellites in China are by CASC which was part of PLA and now it is still fully controlled by CMC and operated in the military style. They (for the military purpose) are PLA without wearing the uniform. There is no need to create a separate branch in PLA just to wear uniforms. The more agency you have the more bureaucracy you get. In the US the Space Force does not have launch capabilities which are in the hands of Boeing and SpaceX etc.
Second of all, the operation of these military space assets are the work of PLA strategic support corp. This is exactly what US space force does. From this you can see that PLA strategic support corp is exactly US space force except the name.
Third of all and most important of all. PLA strategic support corp operates/integrates/infuses ground, air and sea assets from all the four branches plus space asset into one integral communication network. While in US setup, there is no such super organisation that breaks the bearer of branches.
Fantastic progress. Concerning the , I'm confused why CIOMP has involved the British University of Surrey considering China has all the space, robotics and optics technologies and does all the funding to boot. I only see the UK as benefiting from a 1-way technology transfer from China while passing along strategic space and robotics technologies to a hostile America that will use this against China. At the same time, the British will claim this as a fully joint cooperation program and publicly take credit for what should be only credited to China. Where is the benefit in this?Some basic technologies that will be used to manufacture and assemble the upcoming large aperture space telescope that is currently in formal engineering stage. The optical mirrors of the telescope are to be manufactured in space and assembled using robots.
The telescope is made up of hundreds of mirror elements are use to form a single, very large aperture. The mirrors are assembled using robots.