China's Space Program News Thread

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Any news about cargo ship launch date? Nothing about it since the last delay...
I read somewhere in the China's news media that it's forecast for this week and its delay does not affect the CSS overall program. But they have to select a window that it can easily mate with the already launched core module. It also depends on weather and atmospheric conditions. Fingers crossed it will be lofted and mated with the in-orbit core module. The module that carries the Taikongnauts will be sent to the CSS in June. The schedule is pretty tight but achievable.
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Seems like a wasted 200 grams. Could just paint the flag on some flat surface on the lander and rover.
The point is not to show a flag, but to verify a key technology that may have many applications in the future. Besides, what can you do with just 200 grams? If the sum of all useful instruments is just 1000 grams less than the upper limit of payload, not enough to put anything bigger, who would you do with that 1000 grams?

Remember the flag on the moon? It was designed to last for many years without deteriorating of color. It would be a waste just for the purpose of showing a flag, but what if that verified technology of long lasting fabric is intended for moon base habitat building?


Registered Member
Whats all this discussion about the flag...

The Flag obviously serves as a propaganda and soft power tool. There is something ingrained into humans for placing our flag somewhere. When you place a flag, it symbolises a win, a conquest, an achievement

I am also sure than the CNSA also know that this is a powerful boost for the CPC so this also contributed to planting a flag. If you know that your boss likes flags then why not plant a flag when possible, why not plant a 100...

Who knows, maybe the CPC feels proud of this achievement and the soft power boost and they will increase the CNSA budget.

True win-win for both parties


A proposed nuclear-powered Neptune orbiting probe. The planet Neptune remains largely unexplored. Previous probes only performed a cursory flyby, without orbiting the planet for sustained observation. The Chinese proposal calls for a long-term orbital observation probe for Neptune. The probe is to feature a high-powered nuclear reactor in the 10-kilowatt class, coupled with electric propulsion – instead of using conventional chemical propulsion – in order to save weight and achieve the necessary deceleration for insertion into Neptune's orbit. The proposed design will be able to fit onto a LM-5 rocket. The Chinese proposal also envisions using the Earth's and Jupiter's gravity to slingshot the probe to achieve a higher speed, effectively shortening the trip time. The probe has a design life of 15 years. In order to overcome the communication challenges posed by Neptunes large distance to Earth, Ka-band is proposed, to be supplemented by larger antenna apertures and new data encoding techniques to achieve timely communication with home base and sufficient bandwidth for transmitting scientific data.




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