China's Space Program News Thread

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Junior Member
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As far as we can see now, Tianwen-2 mission will be launched by new CZ-9 ricket during year 2028-2030, by official source.

Tianwen-2 will take a small step forward. It's probe will collect soil sample from Mars. A small ascender module attached to the lander will send the sample up to the orbiter, then the orbiter module will go back to earth, and return a capsule containing the soil sample.

The whole plan is like the Chang'E-5 mission but much challenging for the long distance and the new rocket which the task based on.
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Junior Member
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Latest news via semi-reputable source: they are withholding the photos (yes even the lander panoramic ones) until the 22nd!!! Apparently they are doing a big “live broadcast event” thing.

Don’t you just hate politics???

Space have always been highly political unfortunately. Will this event be available in CGTN or exclusively for internal media outlets?
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