China's Space Program News Thread

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I would give NASA exact 1g of the surface dust carefully chosen for its worthlessness.

No need to be petty, although it makes sense to do a swap of 10g for 10g from another geologically distinct region. As far as I know, the russians, americans, and chinese all landed in different geological areas so the samples are materially different.


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Phase 4 Lunar Exploration Program won't start until 2023 with Chang'e 7, so they're getting out of the way to give the manned space program all that Long March 5. As for deep space missions I believe there are three planned (not including the current in progress Tianwen-1):
  • Zhenhe - NEO sample return mission, so like the JAXA Hayabusa2 mission. Target is 2016HO3. Once sample is collected the spacecraft will swing by earth, drop off the sample capsule and then swing out to a Mars and then enter orbit of another asteroid called 133P, to be launched in 2022 on a Long March 3B
  • Tianwen-2 - Mars sample return mission. This one is going to be a monster of a spacecraft and require Long March 9. Same overall mission profile as Chang'e 5 but targeting Mars instead of the moon, to be launched somewhere between 2028 and 2030
  • Jupiter mission - to study Jupiter and its moons, will happen around 2030
Xuntian space telescope will be launched around 2024 on top of a Long March 5B. This is technically a robotic mission but sort of counts under the manned program because origianlly it was going to be a space station module, but then CNSA later decided it's better off as an independent craft.

So basically CNSA is going all in on the manned space program with the space station for the next 2 years.

Wasnt there an article about how the primary mission control room could no longer fit all the missions that were going at the same time. Its very possible china will be managing a mars rover, moon rover, while running a space station and a space telescope sometime next year. Its very clear that China has now joined a "Big 3" when it comes to space.
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