China's Space Program News Thread

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Okay, you stated your arguments, now I have a question. How do you explain the radiation collected on the astronauts coming from the sun? The Astronauts has to go through a decontamination period back on Earth before actually be free to walk and breathe the atmosphere again.

They tampered with the equipment of course to make it look like there is radiation when there is none. They were so thorough that they even fake the two way radio communications between Apollo and earth control !! They did that with pre recorded answers from the astronauts !!

BTW for those of you who doesn't know the post is meant to be a joke. :p:eek:


I am reminded of the JFK assassination. Although there was an official conclusion of the incident, many who performed autopsy stepped forward and provided evidence against the official account of the event. So, if the moon landing was actually faked, who shot those photos and videos? Where was the video shot? Equipment used to shoot the scenes? To this day, no one, I mean absolutely no one, has stepped forward and suggested that he/she was involved in the shooting of the "faked landing". This kind of operation must involve many many individuals. One thing about the US govn't is that it cannot keep a secret. Something has got to leak out, especially something this massive. Yet, over 5 decades have passed. No one and nothing has been leaked out, not even Wikileak... The only thing suspicious would be those photos, officially released by the govn't.

If a tiny and tight operation of an assassination of a US president could have so many people stepping forward and providing physical evidence against the govn't's account of the event, something so massive like a "faked moon landing" has got to have some physical evidence. Where is it???


@Quickie, Now look at what you have gone and done..... Well the replies are a good read anyway;)

Well, I won't get myself into the painful discussion of a subject that has so many layers of truth. "The many layers of truth", Neil Armstrong himself said something like this but I can't recall the exact words.


Lieutenant General
Seem the day China will completely independent of foreign component in Space technology is coming to reality

China tests advanced technologies on Shijian-9 A/B satellites
Posted October 20, 2012 by admin in China Military News

2012-10-20 — October 14, the Long March-2C rocket successfully sent Shijian-9 A/B satellites into orbit. And Chinese first new technology test satellite was successfully launched. Shijian-9 A/B satellites is developed by China SpaceEAST Co., Ltd under China Academy of Space Technology(CAST), subordinated to China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation(CASC). The chief architect of the satellite is Zhao Zhiming.

According to Zhao Zhiming, the Shijian-9 project has a total of 25 technologies trials, each technology is critical for the future development of China’s satellite. In general terms, those technologies are divided into four categories, namely, long life and high reliability technology test, high-precision and high-performance technology test, the domestic component outer-space test and on-orbit formation flight technology.

Shijian-9 satellite

Shijian-9 A/B satellite-complex uses tandem structure arrangement, and with the upper stage together looks like a bunch of “candied fruit”. In this launch, Long March-2C rocket has a very special rocket upper stage. First, the upper stage reached the orbit and then was adjusted to another attitude to release A-Star, and then throw away the A-star bracket, and then adjust the other direction to release B-star.

As the A and B two satellites are to conduct the formation flight tests, it is a high demands in upper stage’s releasing angle and attitude. Neither too close to the collision, nor be too far to lose contact. Meanwhile, the flight speed of orbiting objects about seven kilometers per second, throwing away the satellite bracket which is too close from the satellite will bring the risk of collision. So when the upper stage release the bracket it has to purposely changed at an angle. Those actions require that the upper stage can be flexible to meet the complex conditions.

From the Rockets ignition to the satellite separated from the rocket, it costs about 3300 seconds, which is longest working time of China’s Long March series of launch vehicles. And the upper stage vehicle has to independently work for more than 2700 seconds. The complexity of upper stage can be imagined.

It is precisely because of the complexity of the upper stage, which involves several Chinese space tech giants. The attitude control system is developed by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation No. 801 Research Institute, the solid rocket engine developed by the China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation No. 6 Research Academy and the inertia system by the China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation’s No. 13 Research Institute.

Shijian-9′s design of the twin-satellite is partly because of sharing testing missions. On the other hand, two satellites will work together to verify the key technologies in-orbit formation flight. In simple terms, in-orbit formation flight is that two satellites in space transferred to the other location information and then follow the strict geometric relationships flight. This technology will be mainly used in three-dimensional earth observation areas to improve remote-sensing observation precision, providing surface elevation information of the target at the same time. This technology has a very wide range of military and civilian space-based remote sensing applications.

In China’s previous geosynchronous orbit satellites, more than half weight of satellite accounts for the the propellant for north-south pole position maintaining. It severely restricted the satellite payload and life. This time Shijian-9 will carry the experimental verification of the electric propulsion system to reduced to one-tenth of the original propellant weight, which can significantly improve the performance of the satellite. Now, China has multiple geosynchronous satellites in demonstration development to use the electric propulsion system, which is the urgent need of technical validation results of Shijian-9 project.

In addition, on some of the key components of China’s satellite still depend on importation. Shijian-9 A/B satellite mission will verify a number of much-needed domestic components in orbit performance, to accelerate domestic supply chain construction.

For example, Shijian-9B satellite’s core control computer is “SoC2008″ chip, independently developed by No. 502 Institute of under China Academy of Space Technology(CAST), has completely independent intellectual property rights. This indicates that China has made a breakthrough and master the SoC system level design, anti-radiation enhance design, fault-tolerant design, highly reliable real-time operating system design and other key technologies to occupy leading position in the world.

A system on a chip or system on chip (SoC or SOC) is an integrated circuit (IC) that integrates all components of a computer or other electronic system into a single chip. It may contain digital, analog, mixed-signal, and often radio-frequency functions—all on a single chip substrate. A typical application is in the area of embedded systems. SoC technology is the inevitable outcome of the development of microelectronic technology to an advanced stage.

With SoC technology, Chinese aerospace platform is no longer in a situation of continued requirement on foreign chips, but to base on domestic design, production and technological level, and to determine the more reasonable aerospace electronics technology, system architecture, and performance specifications, and make the progressive realization of the high-end chip production’s localization. SoC technology is the key strategic technology to realize core components independence.

SoC2008 is a high-performance SOC chip oriented for aerospace electronic systems, with low-power and anti-radiation enhancement. It can meet the application needs of all kinds of spaceborne electronic systems. SoC2008 overall performance is equal with products launched in Europe in 2010, reached the international advanced level in the same period. SoC2008 has been applied in CAST100 series small satellite platform’s control computer, long-life star sensor control computer, satellite landing central control unit, space station robotic arm subsystem controller and cargo spacecraft GNC subsystems guidance.


Said to be a Hypersonic Windtunnel

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