China's Space Program News Thread

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I don't really follow Mythbusters. I remember only one or two related episodes, but as usual there're always counter arguments but let's not go there and derail the thread.


Banned Idiot
Moon landing is not a hoax, they didn't just land on moon once, they went there in many trips, there are multiple footage, and lastly, the newest imagine satellite have actually photographed the lander located on the moon.

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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Moon landing is not a hoax, they didn't just land on moon once, they went there in many trips, there are multiple footage, and lastly, the newest imagine satellite have actually photographed the lander located on the moon.

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Exactly. I was 15 years old. Watched the event on TV.. Amazing...

My pops was in the garage with his Ham radio going and a portable TV seeing how much of a delay there was between the broadcast on the TV and the Ham radio. The Ham radio broadcast was about 8-10 seconds ahead of the TV.. as I recall.

If the whole event was a hoax it would take a cover up of unbelievable measure. All of NASA and their families.A portion of the US Military. Certain privileged media members. many members of congress, the President and Vice president and much of their staff.

If it was a hoax the Soviets would have exposed because they monitored all NASA space flights as the US did the same with the Soviets. Certainly the Soviets would have spilled the beans.


I've seen some of these pictures previously. To be more encompassing, I prefer images from a neutral party, like those from Jaxa/Selene. I noticed there are quite a few differences between the Jaxa/Selene and Nasa images, especially the one on the Apollo 17 landing sites .

As I've said before there're many sides to the argument. It's quite likely they've landed a number of unmanned lunar machines on the moon instead. There are just too many unanswered questions but let's not go there.

Edit: Okay, I found them, the Apollo 17 landing sites from Jaxa/Selene and Nasa LRO. Why are they so different? Resolution alone can't explain it.

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(Scroll down to Apollo 17 landing sites and compare with picture a, b, or c.
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Lieutenant General
Those conspiracy theorist nerds who spends all their time looking for any single sign of evidence to prove that the moon landing was a hoax must have never dated a woman before.


Junior Member
For a country with stature like the United States, there is no need to fake something like that. It was the cold war, saving face was more important than anything. They wouldn't have risked making an ass of themselves by faking it. If it was unfolded, it would be the biggest screw up in history.

There was simply no point in doing it.

Plus a lot of technologies we use in our current daily lives were developed during the Apollo program. If it was just a hoax, then there wouldn't be needs for these technologies to be developed.

We're drifting off topic now.

The thread is about Chinese space program, not on whether the apollo program was a hoax.
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China is planning a three-phase probe to collect samples from the Mars by 2030, the chief scientist of the country's lunar orbiter project said Wednesday.

The three stages are remote sensing, softlanding and exploration, and return after automatic sampling, said Ouyang Ziyuan at a lecture organized by Chinese Society of Astronautics.

Ouyang also briefed on the imminent tests of China's lunar probe of the Chang'e-3, a moon-landing orbiter expected to be launched in the second half of 2013.

The Chang'e-3 program could help build a telecommunication network that covers a future Mars probe, said Ouyang. He added that Chang'e-5 was expected to return to earth with samples from the moon.
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