Some characteristics of Feng-Yun-4 (Wind-Cloud), China's second series of GEO meteo sat.
FY-4 plans for 3-axis stabilization, 14 channel imagery with 5-minute scans of China, a FTIR sounder, a lightning mapper, and a solar imager. The imager is called the "Advanced Geosynchronous Radiation Imager" (AGRI), and resembles "Advanced Baseline Imager" (ABI) being constructed for NOAA GOES-R/S. AGRI uses an off-axis telescope, two scan mirrors, 216 detectors in 14 spectral bands, and full-path on-orbit calibration. The sounder is called the "Geosynchronous Interferometric Infrared Sounder" (GIIRS), and resembles the sounder proposed for GOES-R/S. GIIRS uses an optical design similar to AGRI, with 16x16 detectors arrays and active cooling.
China plans to have hyperspectral interferometric sounders on both FY-4s and FY-3s sat by 2015.