obligatory tabao link requiredSki helmets made using technologies/techniques borrowed from the fabrication of Long March 5's outer shell. The result is 20% increase in protective performance compared to mainstream European helmets and with only a small increase in thickness and weight.
"The rocket sent the satellite designated as "Land Survey No. 1-1A" into its orbit as planned". There will be a "1B" satellite coming later to pair it up.1月26日7时44分,在我国酒泉卫星发射中心,长征四号丙运载火箭点火升空,将陆地探测一号01组A星送入预定轨道,发射任务取得圆满成功。
"The pair of satellites are for geology and land survey, earthquake and disater prevention, forest monitoring, etc."双星具备全天候、全天时、多模式、多极化等特点,可应用于地质、土地、地震、减灾、测绘及林业等领域,可有效提升我国地质灾害自主卫星检测能力与防治工作水平,有效维护国家资源和生态安全。
Is it CZ-8R?The First Academy of CASC plans to complete 20 launches in 2022, including the maiden flight of a new model that has yet to be unveiled.