I think the newly tested engine from Qinghua University is the outcome of this research program
This is the company 清航空天. The articles mentioned their effort on 自增压燃烧技术 (Self
Pressure Gained Combustion) which is mentioned in the launch report. A well known PGC engine type is RDE (Rotary Detonation Engine). This kind of engine is basically trying to remove the turbine compressor in a typical turbojet engine. As of today, any turbine based variable cycle engine faces the challenge of power gap between turbo mode and RAM mode. This new engine is to replace turbojet and fill that gap.
We have discussed this kind of engine, Oblique Detonation Engine (ODE) program in China in this forum. This Qing Hua engine may be another effort in the category, and it is the first known real life experiment.