China's SCS Strategy Thread


Junior Member
Registered Member
If they are willing to board Philippine vessels under gun threat and detain them then why not just get rid of the BRP Sierra Madre outpost ? Board that rusting hulk and remove the personnel then blow it up ?
or better yet, board it, get rid of the pinoys, inspect the pollution, then sue them for damaging the reef. Blowing it up could cause more release of toxins.


Lieutenant General
If they are willing to board Philippine vessels under gun threat and detain them then why not just get rid of the BRP Sierra Madre outpost ? Board that rusting hulk and remove the personnel then blow it up ?

It’s one thing to board a small RHIB, it’s another to board a large structure with unknown internal layout against armed defenders.

With the Sierra Madre, any boarding action is extremely likely to result in significant loss of life, possibly on both sides. Because you need to either try and bluff them and dare the Philippino soldiers to shoot first, in which case you risk loosing guys in the opening seconds if they do shoot. Or you just clear it with lethal force from the get go, in which case the entire Philippines garrison is almost certainly to all be KIA.

China doesn’t want fatalities, so boarding it is effectively not an option as it won’t be able to ensure zero fatalities if they do board it.


Registered Member
China doesn’t want fatalities, so boarding it is effectively not an option as it won’t be able to ensure zero fatalities if they do board it.
Could probably do something with non lethal chemical warfare or autonomous drones firing paralysing darts or crowd control means or whatever.
There are a lot of ways to take it down with 0 fatalities from all sides.

The issue is not actual capability but diplomatic and geopolitics instead


Junior Member
Registered Member
It’s one thing to board a small RHIB, it’s another to board a large structure with unknown internal layout against armed defenders.

With the Sierra Madre, any boarding action is extremely likely to result in significant loss of life, possibly on both sides. Because you need to either try and bluff them and dare the Philippino soldiers to shoot first, in which case you risk loosing guys in the opening seconds if they do shoot. Or you just clear it with lethal force from the get go, in which case the entire Philippines garrison is almost certainly to all be KIA.

China doesn’t want fatalities, so boarding it is effectively not an option as it won’t be able to ensure zero fatalities if they do board it.

What about ram it with a hovercraft? Or a ship? Just say an excuse that it is an accident.


Lieutenant General
Could probably do something with non lethal chemical warfare

Moscow theatre siege. It’s not super easy or safe to incapacitate with knock out gas. If anyone died as a result you can bet the US and Philippines will spin it like China used chemical weapons, which will be worse than if China just shot them all.

or autonomous drones firing paralysing darts or crowd control means or whatever.

No such drones exist as far as anyone knows. And even if they did, they are hard countered by closed doors.

Conventional crowd control methods also don’t work when the target are armed with military weapons.

There are a lot of ways to take it down with 0 fatalities from all sides.

You seem to be grossly underestimating how difficult what you are suggesting is. If it was that easy, half the world’s special forces and hostages rescue teams wouldn’t be needed.
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Registered Member
Could probably do something with non lethal chemical warfare
Moscow theatre seize. It’s not super easy or safe to incapacitate with knock out gas. If anyone died as a result you can bet the US and Philippines will spin it like China used chemical weapons, which will be worse than if China just shot them all.

Also the fact that China is actually both signatory and ratifier of the Chemical Weapons Convention since 1997. Attempting any sort of chemical warfare against those stationed onboard the derelict, even non-lethal ones, has the potential to cause a diplomatic disaster for China.

What about ram it with a hovercraft? Or a ship? Just say an excuse that it is an accident.

And what would that achieve? Causing the derelict to puncture the hovercraft's skirt and stranding the hovercraft (plus the people manning the hovercraft) there? The same goes for using any ship to do the same thing.

Besides, using "it's just an accident" to cover such act is just so kindergarten-level.


Registered Member
You seem to be grossly underestimating how difficult what you are suggesting is. If it was that easy, half the world’s special forces and hostages rescue teams wouldn’t be needed.
You are telling me that if China allocated 1 billion RMB fund to 20 of its gazillion drone labs or other enterprises, it wouldn't get something?

sound waves, drones which immediately enter the ship from all entry points and immediately release riot control chemicals or whatever. Sure if you are prepared, you might not succeed but these soldiers are permanently there. And can they be on point with 0 mistakes 24/7? 365 days? year after year? At some point they will slip, they are humans after all

Moscow theatre siege. It’s not super easy or safe to incapacitate with knock out gas. If anyone died as a result you can bet the US and Philippines will spin it like China used chemical weapons, which will be worse than if China just shot them all

This is what you said. Don't change your words afterwards:
With the Sierra Madre, any boarding action is extremely likely to result in significant loss of life, possibly on both sides.

Solutions exists which is why I said the primary issue is diplomatic and not capability

Conventional crowd control methods also don’t work when the target are armed with military weapons
What, and why limit yourself to 'conventional' methods? How are the soldiers breathing? What do they eat, what do they drink, what do they touch. You even forgot about the art of (non-lethal) poison. Or maybe even lethal poison that there is a known cure that can be administrated after the incapacitated soldiers have been captured.
What you wrote is some funny stuff.

If possessing military weapons means that you are invincible, you should disband your intelligence agencies and just go home and play in the kindergarden where "military weapons = invincible"

As I said, diplomacy is the biggest problem not actual capability.
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