Junior Member
That said, China is not averse to negotiating with the other claimants. After all, China has resolved almost all of its land border disputes (and China has a lot of land neighbors!). However, any negotiation must be conducted in good faith, otherwise it would just be a waste of time.
Unfortunately, the truth is, countries like Philippines and Vietnam are not so much interested in settling the SCS dispute as in using this dispute to shore up domestic support.
And do you know why? China's position is a zero-sum game! All of the islands in the SCS belongs to China. That is the official position. Has China offered any sort of compromise over the issue? Will China offer any sort of compromise over the issue? Settling the dispute means getting on your knees and accept that the trillion dollar bonanza is going in to Chinese pockets. Oh...and if you swallow just right, you just might get some scraps.
Before you get all indignant at the Filipinos and Vietnamese, I think the following conversation is appropriate...
"People should know when they are conquered."
"Would you, Quintus? Would I?"