Hi PhSt,
Yes, if you read my previous post if Biden won there will be trouble here in the Philippines. 2022 PRESIDENTIAL election is around the corner, The US will be intervening big time, Duterte only vulnerability is the SCS issue, here the opposition and the US see an opportunity and will be doing this covert activity
1) making bias/ unfavorable survey against China (the question is usually like this, which is better YAO ming or Michael Jordan, US1 CHN 0)
2) MSM and Asian publication like CNA and Nikei news outlet reporting bias news
3) there is report that the promise vaccine from China will not push thru, cause our health dep't will be looking at Pfizer vaccine first as agreed on loan condition to us by the World bank.
4) Our COMELEC (commission on election) agree to use and employ the Smartmatic system (same owner and provider with DOMINION system in the US) for our election in 2022. Here the hidden hand of the US will determine our future president.
Yes China may help, but the US influence is strong especially among the elites and the upper middle class. Duterte had strong support among the masses, but it need tangible result, here China may help with the infrastructure , the COC agreement and the gas/oil exploration.(vaccine is a really good gesture, but it was taken out by our own incompetence and greed)
Now we know what the American is planning to do ,But there is a critical question to be ask, who will be their prefer candidate. There is a lot of potential candidate to pick from but all of them lack the charisma and the electivity of Duterte. With Duterte popularity at an all time high, he hold the key and is holding his card close to his chest. Any attack on him will backfire cause the masses did not trust the media, our media that is owned by the elites and had been expose for it's bias reporting. So the US is in for a surprise, if they openly campaign against Duterte they will be surely burn like they experience last election. Here's what I expect the American will do, they will finance multiple candidate therefore enhancing its chance of winning and in case of a close election to minimize Duterte's choice candidate lead to a single digit and make it possible for Smartmatic to cheat and decide the winner.( US prefer candidate)