While Xi just arrives in Florida to meet with Trump, Trump launches 50 cruise missiles to attack Syria for launching chemical weapon. Here are the implications that I see for US and China.
In the short time, this is a big win for US because
1. Send a strong message to China in regarding North Korea, I think this will help Trump to gain some advantage to China in better persuade China to deal with North Korea. Because Trump shows Xi that he is not above shoot first and ask later, he would indirectly threaten to do this to NK nuke sites unless China do something.
2. The overall show of strength in front of Chinese leader, to show Xi that Trump is not out of the game yet no matter how unpopular he is. Because Trumps approval rating has pretty much hit rock bottom, and there was even beginning talks for him impeachment, now I see see changed around, to show Xi that I'm the man to deal with and I'm not going anywhere.
In the long time, I see big win for China
1. Trump was pushed by Kissinger, Mearsheimer and other think tanks to ally with Russia to contain China, with this strike, this is no longer possible, US and Russia relations will go back to the way it was, mutual hostility and suspicion, and on the long term this is absolutely very beneficial to China's strategic interest in SCS and other matters.
2. US will be stuck in the affair of the Middle East for many years to come, more involvement in Syria, Yemen, the civil war between Sunni and Shia, that means less attention paid to Asia policy, again great for China to do what it want in its own backyard, especially SCS
3. Many news and paper commentators was just saying yesterday that US and China relations is the most important thing in the world, and this is Trump's most important meeting so far in his presidency, but yet... one simple strike this meeting has been pushed out of the newspaper headlines, this is what China wants, it wants low key, it need times for US to get distracted so it can focus on its own stuff like economy, SCS more ship build up, and of course, I see the chance of SCS being brought up in this meeting is pushed even more to the back burner.