If Donald Trump is able to de-regulate US life in a thoughtful and business like manner, he will restore the economy just as certainly as Barack Hussein Obama has nearly destroyed it. So many federal regulations are just simple layers of bureaucracy and control by the federal govt, it looks like President Trump is on the right track, and not likely to be distracted by attempting to "placate" those who love their power. He's moving very decisively to rid us of the job killing, business killing Obamacare!
I do very much like Pence, and hopefully Trump will have an 8 year run by winning re-election and allow Mike Pence to run for President for the next 8 years, that would go a long way toward restoring our economy, as it is, our economy is already rebounding! but Obama has done a lot of irreversible damage.
I actually believe this may well restore Us and Chinese relations in the long run, and put both parties back on an even footing, I'm rather certain that is the intention, how well it works depends on everyone doing the right thing.
One thing everyone can be assured of is that Obama is GONE! I'm just thankful to have survived that.