To be honest, this between you and me has lasted for too long, I myself has lost paitient to continue wth you, here is why, just two examples from this post of yours. It shows how you miss-read, ignore my points and constantly drift issue away.
Examle 1
This is your question
So when did such news from an outlet in Kyoto become fabrication by Japan?
This is my texts that your question pointed at
it is a fabrication (of China's stance) on Kyoto News' part when it used
I did say that these News are not representing their states, did I.
No because what you are referring to wasn’t the post in question. The post that I pointed out but which you have deliberately avoided in addressing and yet you want to emphasize the moral latitude that I am ignoring your points is post # 2751 below.
The "China leaving UNCLOS" is a pure fabrication by Japan without any shred of credibility.
Are you going to address your accusation that Japan fabricated the news? Can you please attribute it to a Japanese official – the standard that you yourself set or are you conveniently forgetting it?
If you are not deliberately substitute my words with yours, then I suspect many of your argument with me were due to your miss-reading, miss-interpretation or simply ignored my contexts.
Example 2
Your words,
How can you be sure the conversation that was reported originally by the Kyoto news outlet is false?
You got it wrong in a simple logic. If someone make a statement, someone is responsible to prove it, that is why I am ure the Kyoto words is false utill proven otherwise. It can only be truth if Kyoto provided referenences, name of sources.
You shouldn't shift the burden off the shoulder of "accuser".
You should not invoke logic if you don’t even understand basic rules of logic. It just make you look ignorant of the subject. We have no means of verifying whether the claim is true or false. When we have no evidence to resolve the proposition, logic dictates to suspend judgment. If in this case where you are insisting the proposition is false then the burden of proof falls onto the proponent of the claim. If there is no agreeably adequate evidence to support a claim, the claim is considered to be an argument from ignorance.
I have told you that you have the right to do so in the thread, BUT sticking to my face is neither mature nor convincing. So say what ever you want in the thread, but stay away from replying my post. Or my future answer will be very short.
Sorry can’t do. You don’t make the rules. If you wish to post controversially then you should be prepared to be called out and to defend your post. You don’t have special rights of immunity. None of us do. I don’t see you holding back your post directing at Samurai Blue when you disagree. Why are you demanding special privilege for your own self?