The "China leaving UNCLOS" is a pure fabrication by Japan without any shred of credibility. I wouldn't extend thought on it at all, it is a trap, distraction and twist to turn people's focus from the dispute to portraiting of so called China disrespect law. Any discussion of any possible action towards that direction will be a "proof" that Japan is waiting for. That is how a lie becomes "truth". It is a common practice by the school bullies. They provoke and attack others, but immediately stop just before teacher arrives leaving the innocent appearing to be the attacker.
The only party wrong is PCA overstepping in the legal protocol. The target of legal attack from China should be PCA and the Philippine, not to be distracted by other "cheerleaders, drummers". China should chase PCA to the very end even leaving Philippine aside.
The only party wrong is PCA overstepping in the legal protocol. The target of legal attack from China should be PCA and the Philippine, not to be distracted by other "cheerleaders, drummers". China should chase PCA to the very end even leaving Philippine aside.
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