Taiwan have no political will or military readiness for a protracted conflict with Philippine or ability to enforce their claims for disputed reefs or islands. A paper tiger. Remember, they are the loser of the Chinese civil war and their population is probably too pampered and soft to take up conflict at seas. There are bigger liberal power and NGOs having influence over them like US and Japan and have decision influencing their leaders of military option. Too unfathomable for them to sink another US allies where they do buying current weapon system from.
Since when self restraint and being adult equals weakness? The fact that Philippine managed to pissed off a normally mild and polite Ma enough that he send warships take some doing. It's to his credit that he resist the popular pressure to be even more hardline. Don't think it's just a bluff -- if Ma is pissed enough to send the navy, he would have given them the authorization to shoot if Philippine tries anything funny.
And if you think he couldn't get away if he smack the Filipinos, think again. Taiwan is ultimately more important than Philippine. And US tries to restrain Taiwan publicly, the popular opinion will turn toward China.
And if you think Taiwan's military are not ready, think again. It's Air Force can scramble 2-3 minutes when the order is given -- not a lot of air forces can claim that. And Taiwan can manufacture most of its consumable munitions. At very minimum, Taiwan is able to maintain and service high tech weaponry. That is something Philippine cannot claim.
Chinese civil war is over sixty years ago -- I don't see how that is relevant in this discussion. And Chinese civil war is a very special circumstances -- hyperinflation resulting from devastation of WW-2, and Communist insurgency with superpower support. Even though ROC is on the losing side, they have multitude of operational experience in land , sea, and air that cannot be matched by anything in Philippine's military history.
If you think Philippine would have a chance taking on Taiwan, I see no factual support. The discrepancy in capability between Taiwan is Philippine is wider than US and China, for example.
Now, China Chinese commies are different, these are probably the tougher big brother, they have taken the UN + US army singlehandedly in Korean war. They blasted the Vietnamese, whacked the Indians and even Russia fear them. Probably Philippine armies are peanuts to them. These tough guys even drive kamikaze styles their warship into US Cowpen and what can the US do? They have captured so many US prisoners at one time or the other and give them nice prison meals and even organized the Olympic for them in prison
It will not require any sort of physical courage to fight against Filipinos. The technological difference is such that Philippine navy will simply be blasted from beyond the range they can respond. And Philippine Navy lack any sort of air defense or point defense. Taiwan is one of the handful of nations that actually developed supersonic anti-ship missile.
I'm sure there will come a time military action by these Chinese commies are inevitable, and probably just bidding for the right opportunity. I don't trust much Xi no hegemony claim. Their navy is getting bigger and bigger, more ships and carriers and submarines need more playground. So many warships concentrated in one area definitely something will happen. I do hope Phillipines spend some monies to buy more warship and make more ties to the US. Better get it on paper to spelt out what US should do when they were attacked because, for sure China will attack when the time comes. Chinese special marines are watching the Phillipine shoals and reefs closing, in their secret hideout, they have already plan, how many Phillipines soldiers are there, what facilities they are trying to do, how to take them out, so they better prepare night vision googles, and keep a constant lookout cause...the commies are coming. And they will come.
So why are you provoking China? China's stance is reactive assertiveness (i.e. passive aggressive). If you don't provoke them, they don't have an excuse to crush you. In Scarsborough shoal, you used a naval ship against civilian ship. In Ayugin shoal, you tried to build permanent structures.
And it's too late to build an navy -- building a competent navy will take decades. And even if you do, you cannot match Chinese Coast guard, not to mention Chinese Navy. Chinese Coast guard actually out mass both South Korean and Taiwanese Navy combined, FYI.
Provoking a conflict without a mean to back it out is idiotic and foolhardy. I fail to see reason behind it.