China's SCS Strategy Thread


China has accused the US of “sabotaging regional peace” after the Pentagon chief announced a military buildup in the Philippines, disputing Chinese territorial claims.

This is one oxymoron that I haven't heard in a while, the US is sabotaging regional peace after the fact that PRC unilaterally made sovereign claim and thrusts a military buildup in disputed region in the first place?:confused:


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You're omitting an important fact. China wasn't the first country to start building up and on islands in the SCS, Vietnam and the Philippines were. China made quite a late start actually, but the size of its economy and technical skills mean that its efforts are on a larger scale.

By taking sides in the disputes, the US is sabotaging regional peace. Still more with these so called freedom of navigation cruises.


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PUBLISHED: 6:02 PM, APR 15, 2016 UPDATED: 6:02 PM, APR 15, 2016

A China and Russia collaboration seemed far off especially considering the history, cultural misunderstanding and competition between the two nations. However, that seems to be changing in relation to power shifts and Western agenda. Will Russia be China’s ticket to winning the South China Sea dispute?

Powers are changing and alliances are shifting. What many thought previously as impossible may now be happening as Moscow and Beijing grow closer together. Beijing’s resources have helped Moscow survive the lean years. In turn, Russia has been a ticket to China’s advancements in weaponry and potentially its overall military capabilities. Nonetheless, changes are more considerable in recent years especially in relation to China’s ambition in the South China Sea.

According to National Interest: “Even as the above developments have unfolded with major strategic consequences over the last two decades, a more ambitious program of military collaboration now seems to be in the works. In particular, joint naval drills on an unprecedented and growing scale during 2014 and 2015 imply a new level of seriousness.”

For instance, the naval exercise between the two countries in 2014 focused on “naval combat.” There was the emphasis on the doctrine from the Russian Navy in relation to the “the most effective tactics against US carrier groups.” However, as things would dictate, annual drills between the two nations seemed insufficient that they conducted a larger drill in the Sea of Japan in August last year. The exercise featured twenty-three surface vessels, two submarines, fifteen fixed-wing aircraft, eight helicopters, as well as both airborne forces and marines – the largest naval exercise to date. As China continues to push its ambitions in the South China Sea, many see its relation with Russia as a possible contributor to how powers and tensions will shift eventually.

The United States has constantly named the two nations as threats to security and that won’t seem to change immediately.

The alliance between the two countries could be further seen after China praised Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s remarks about the South China Sea dispute. According to Lavrov, parties involved in the dispute should adhere to principles of non-use of force and continue to look for ways to solve the issue politically and diplomatically.

“Anyone who really cares about peace and stability in the South China Sea should support China and countries directly involved to solve the disputes through negotiation and consultation, in accordance with international law, bilateral agreements and the Declaration of the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea (DOC),” Xinhua quoted Foreign Ministry Spokesman Lu Kang.
This is one oxymoron that I haven't heard in a while, the US is sabotaging regional peace after the fact that PRC unilaterally made sovereign claim and thrusts a military buildup in disputed region in the first place?:confused:

That's a blatant lie I've continually heard all too often. The colonial powers militarized the region in the first place including the US and Japan, the dominant players and their priorities shift with time but have continued through today and are again on the upswing. The US in particular specifically expanded the conflict zone and used chemical WMDs when it involved itself in war in Vietnam, the destructive effects of which are still significant today. All the local countries had disputed unilateral sovereignty claims since they regained independence. Specifically in the SCS several had military buildups and used military force against China in disputed unilateral sovereignty claims before China stood up for itself in kind but the US, and others riding its coattails, have singled out China to condemn with double standards.
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Senior Member
This is one oxymoron that I haven't heard in a while, the US is sabotaging regional peace after the fact that PRC unilaterally made sovereign claim and thrusts a military buildup in disputed region in the first place?:confused:
You don't know that US and Japan destroyed peace in the whole world, especially in the SCS already? Or that Russia is PRC's ally? It took me 5 minutes of reading here today to be convinced about that.


You're omitting an important fact. China wasn't the first country to start building up and on islands in the SCS, Vietnam and the Philippines were. China made quite a late start actually, but the size of its economy and technical skills mean that its efforts are on a larger scale.

By taking sides in the disputes, the US is sabotaging regional peace. Still more with these so called freedom of navigation cruises.

Tell me how is the US involved in all of this?
PRC could have resolved it peacefully under the court of law but PRC did otherwise and now is calling the US that disrupts peace?
That is the oxymoron.


Tell me how is the US involved in all of this?
PRC could have resolved it peacefully under the court of law but PRC did otherwise and now is calling the US that disrupts peace?
That is the oxymoron.

Really? You really think territorial disputes can be resolved in a court of law?

Is that why Japan refuses to even acknowledge that there is a dispute over the Diaoyu Islands?


Really? You really think territorial disputes can be resolved in a court of law?

Is that why Japan refuses to even acknowledge that there is a dispute over the Diaoyu Islands?
PRC never made an appeal at a court of law over the Senkaku so it will remain non disputed.The only way to make it disputed is if you file a case or fire the first shot. Your choice.
If you want to prove something then prove it.


PRC never made an appeal at a court of law over the Senkaku so it will remain non disputed.The only way to make it disputed is if you file a case or fire the first shot. Your choice.
If you want to prove something then prove it.

That's just an idealistic answer when talking about courts. Based on your rationale, there is no dispute in the Paracels period. Vietnam has no claims in either the Paracels or Spratlys because to date, they have not appealed any court. Malaysia, Brunei, and even the Philippines have no disputes among each other because they have not gone to court against one another.

Japan's own reaction to an unfavorable whale ruling further weakens the faith in using the courts. Tweaking the specifics of the "research" program is just fluff. I'm not changing the topic to whaling but this is a recent example of the hollowness of using court.

As for firing first shot, do you mean literally?