China's SCS Strategy Thread


Lieutenant General
Where did you get that? China had specifically recognized Indonesian sovereignty over the Riau's.

Right . This guy doesn't know his geography
Riau island is way south next to Singapore.

What he meant probably is Natuna island which is close to cow tongue that is claimed by China. It is rich in natural gas and exported to Singapore thru undersea pipeline

No China doesn't have design on the island . It was founded and settled by the Chinese settler in late 18 century and back in 50's a delegation of Chinese settler went to China asking China to incorporate Natuna into Chinese Territory . But China decline

And he got his history wrong too. Cheng He went to SEA to show flag and not to colonize. There is some skirmishes with Chinese privateer but no major war.
Until today he is worshiped not only by the Chinese but also by the native people
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Registered Member
Right . This guy doesn't know his geography
Riau island is way south next to Singapore.

What he meant probably is Natuna island which is close to cow tongue that is claimed by China. It is rich in natural gas and exported to Singapore thru undersea pipeline

No China doesn't have design on the island . It was founded and settled by the Chinese settler in late 18 century and back in 50's a delegation of Chinese settler went to China asking China to incorporate Natuna into Chinese Territory . But China decline

Natuna is part of Indonesia's Riau province.

This is the first I've heard of Chinese settlers in Natuna petitioning to be part of China in the 1950s.

These days China and Indonesia have agreed that Natuna is Indonesian, particularly since the Chinese population has mostly been relocated or left the islands.

If I look at Natuna Besar (Bunguran Island), it has a land area 1720
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2 which is larger than Honolulu island or Singapore island.

That's large enough for multiple airbases and a large naval base like Pearl Harbour or Changi, and given it's location, it would dominate the southern portion of the SCS.


Lieutenant General
China acknowledge Indonesian sovereignty on Natuna. But it doesn't stop the western press from trying to sow discord between China and Indonesia.The Indonesian government never saw it as an issue. The Indonesia military is something else. They are anti China
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On Nov. 12,
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shocked the countries in the region by issuing a first-ever public statement on the Natuna Islands. According to
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’s Foreign Ministry spokesman, “The Indonesian side has no territorial claim to
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’s [Spratly Islands]. The Chinese side has no objection to
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’s sovereignty over the Natuna Islands.”

This is significant because, although the Natuna Islands are outside of
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’s self-designated “Nine-Dash-Line” that lays claim to virtually all of the South China Sea, Natuna’s 200-miles exclusive economic zone (EEZ) protrudes into the area defined by the Nine-Dash-Line. To publicly recognize
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’s sovereign right to the Natunas means
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’s acknowledgment of
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’s legitimate claim to an EEZ inside
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’s self-claimed Nine-Dash-Line.

And this is not something that
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has been willing to do, partly because of the inexact nature of the so-called Nine-Dash-Line and partly because
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does not want to show weakness to its smaller neighbors who challenge its maritime claims. Beijing’s

But Indonesia's government insists that Indonesia and China won't clash over the South China Sea, and that the two nations will solve this problem diplomatically.
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Image caption Mr Natalegawa says Indonesia and China are able to solve the problem diplomatically
"There may not be an actual overt intention to be aggressive," Marty Natalegawa, the Indonesian foreign minister told me.

"Or to take over land in a classic sense - but what may happen is miscalculation. Then you have action and re-armament. What was initially an arms build-up becomes an arms race."

"We don't have to follow that script - we have all prospered because we have had stability."

Back on Natuna, it's obvious how much that stability is prized among the local population.

This island is a picturesque, idyllic place - but it stands on the frontline of a potential clash between Indonesia and China.

Although the possibility may seem remote at the moment, Indonesia has to balance its interests delicately while making sure it keeps its borders safe.

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Lieutenant General
Natuna is part of Indonesia's Riau province.

This is the first I've heard of Chinese settlers in Natuna petitioning to be part of China in the 1950s.

These days China and Indonesia have agreed that Natuna is Indonesian, particularly since the Chinese population has mostly been relocated or left the islands.

If I look at Natuna Besar (Bunguran Island), it has a land area 1720
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2 which is larger than Honolulu island or Singapore island.

That's large enough for multiple airbases and a large naval base like Pearl Harbour or Changi, and given it's location, it would dominate the southern portion of the SCS.

There is Riau island and there is Riau province Riau island include Batam and Bintan and it is way south


Junior Member
Yes. I've actually been to Batam and Bintan before :)
Let me explain to you:
Riau province and Riau Islands province are different, long ago they are include in one province.
Natuna islands administratively is in Riau Islands province.
I wonder who always set a bait to make Sino Indonesia conflict.
Indonesia's President, Mr Jokowi, have said that There Is no conflict between Indonesia and China in SCS. China ambassador have also said many times that China acknowledged Indonesian sovereignity over Natuna Island.


Registered Member
Let me explain to you:
Riau province and Riau Islands province are different, long ago they are include in one province.
Natuna islands administratively is in Riau Islands province.
I wonder who always set a bait to make Sino Indonesia conflict.
Indonesia's President, Mr Jokowi, have said that There Is no conflict between Indonesia and China in SCS. China ambassador have also said many times that China acknowledged Indonesian sovereignity over Natuna Island.

I actually put the smiley before to indicate that I knew this :)
Some maps for reference which appeared in other SCS threads in the forum.

Text color key to the map in Deino's post:
Red - China/Taiwan holdings
Blue - Vietnam holdings
Purple - Philippines holdings
Orange - Malaysia holdings

Just found ...




Lieutenant General
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Why the hell isn't anyone taking issue with Japan's fat rump claim? That's easily more than twice as large as China's "cow tone".

There's a nice saying in the Bible (Matthew 7, 1–5) ...

Was siehst du aber den Splitter im Auge deines Bruders, den Balken aber in deinem eigenen Auge bemerkst du nicht?

= translated !

Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?

Sorry to say so, but a typical (Western) way of behaving in so many issues ....
