China's SCS Strategy Thread

according to NavyTimes
China accuses U.S. of militarizing South China Sea
China on Friday accused the U.S. of militarizing the South China Sea, just days after it was revealed Beijing had deployed surface-to-air missiles on an island in the hotly disputed area.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Hong Lei told reporters that patrols by U.S. military aircraft and Navy vessels, along with joint exercises involving regional partners were the true reason why concerns were growing over peace and stability.

"The above actions have escalated tensions in the South China Sea, and that's the real militarization of the South China Sea," Hong said.

U.S. and Taiwanese officials this week confirmed commercial satellite images showing the missiles placed on Woody Island in the disputed Paracel chain.

China has not denied the appearance of the missiles, but says it is entitled to defend its territory and points to the construction of lighthouses, weather stations and other infrastructure undertaken to provide more "public goods and services to the international community."

The deployment follows China's building of new islands by piling sand atop reefs and then adding airstrips and military installations. The buildup is seen as part of Beijing's efforts to claim virtually the entire disputed sea and its resources.

Vietnam, which along with Taiwan also claims the Paracels, issued a diplomatic note to the Chinese Embassy in Hanoi on Friday to demand a stop to what it called "China's infringement of Vietnam's sovereignty" over the islands.

China's action "have also threatened peace and stability in the region as well as security, safety, and freedom of navigation and aviation," Foreign Ministry spokesman Le Hai Binh told reporters.

The Philippines, which claims waters and features east of Woody island, on Friday said it was "gravely concerned" by reports of the missile deployments.

"Such actions negate China's earlier commitment not to militarize the South China Sea," the Department of Foreign Affairs said in a statement.

Although not one of the six governments with claims in the South China Sea, the U.S. says it has a national interest in the region's stability and freedom of navigation and overflight in and above what are some of the world's busiest sea lanes.

Secretary of State John Kerry has suggested that the positioning of missiles and other signs of increasing militarization contradicted a public assurance from Chinese President Xi Jinping when he visited the White House last September.

Hong's comments represent China's attempt to turn that accusation back on Washington, a cause to which it has rallied its entirely state-controlled media outlets.

China's "defensive deployment on Yongxing targets external military threats," the Communist Party newspaper Global Times said in an editorial, using China's name for Woody Island. "The U.S. is bold about imposing pressure on China, and China must make an appropriate response."
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Guys, we had one post that was simply termed...flame bait, and then several responses to it.

we then had a whole set of comments on the US Presidential race and impact to US position as a result of it now and in the mid term. Most of that was clearly verging on political.

NONE OF THAT is Chinese SCS Strategy discussion.

Chest Thumping/Bait deleted. OT deleted. Politics deleted.



The Paracels at that time was under the jurisdiction of South Vietnam. In reality, North Vietnam cannot cede sovereignty over the Paracels to China because at that time it does not own it.
Vietnam was divided into North and South by the Geneva conference of 1954 to be reunited by presidential elections under international supervision in 1956. Those elections didn't take place because the US government expected some four fifth of the people in the South and a higher proportion in the North to vote for the North Vietnamese president Ho.
After 1956 therefore South Vietnam ceased to be considered a sovereign country and remained until its end a US puppet state.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Good job by the US media!

This is what happen when the unknowlegeable got manipulated.

Alot of population in this world got minsformed by spin doctors.

Alot of countries succumbed to this type of things in the past, however, I expect China to stand still, afterall it has 1/6 population on earth.



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Lieutenant General
Interesting article from Staford about the other activity of Chinese military look like they are building Missile storage building and finished 16 hanger for J 11B
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Apart from the air defense systems that were recently uncovered, there is also significant Chinese military activity on other parts of Woody Island. A key feature of the base is its runway, which gives China the ability to send and receive combat aircraft. In November 2015, J-11 fighter jets were reportedly deployed to the base, and while the current imagery does not show these aircraft out in the open, our partners at AllSource Analysis have determined that 16 hangars at several locations along the runway seem to be designed to host fighter aircraft like the J-11. Tire tracks also show that one section of these hangars has been used to host aircraft while the others have not. The imagery can neither rule out nor verify the presence of aircraft inside these hangars, but it does confirm that the air base can host up to 16 of these fighter aircraft out of plain sight.


Finally, several large high-bay drive-through buildings have been constructed in an area that is likely dedicated to the storage of explosive materials or ammunitions. Complex berm structures are being erected along with these buildings to shield them from explosions or to contain explosions that occur within them. These buildings can receive large logistics vehicles carrying ammunition, such as fighter aircraft armaments or air defense missiles, which can then be loaded or offloaded inside the cover of the buildings and exit again on the opposite side. Construction continues in this part of the island, and more berms are likely to be erected over time. Equipment located near the structures also indicates concrete pouring activities.




Registered Member
Good job by the US media!

This is what happen when the unknowlegeable got manipulated.

Alot of population in this world got minsformed by spin doctors.

Alot of countries succumbed to this type of things in the past, however, I expect China to stand still, afterall it has 1/6 population on earth.


Another example would be when Hillary Clinton "refreshed her memory" of a private meeting and announced to the media that China had claimed the SCS as a core interest. Referenced from the book below

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The funny thing is, when something is a Chinese core interest, it's normally the Chinese media that loudly trumpets the fact in the state newspapers.


Senior Member
Registered Member
I think thing is going to get very ugly. Seeing Vietnam wasn't that active in the Spratley case as opposed to Philippines court case, now purposedly designed to challenge China 's Paracel sovereign would hopefully bring Vietnam more onboard. Vietnam today just filed a UN protest regarding China's defensive missiles on Woody island.

Stirring the Pot, Baby!