China's SCS Strategy Thread


I'll have to chime in a here and mention that at the time, only the Crescent Group was occupied by South Vietnam. The Amphitrite Group which includes Woody Island was under ROC occupation from 1946-1950 and then under PROC later.
Your comment also reminded me of a fact that is completely missing in the whole conversation. Have you seen or know the contents of the diplomatic note because the whole case is predicated upon its existence and more importantly its contents and conditions if any? For example, does it talk of the Paracels as a whole or specific islands within that location?


Junior Member
Time for all parties to the SCS dispute to sit down and discuss the issues of serious contention. There will be no winners if the situation blows up. I believe China and the rest of the countries involved will also be waiting for the next US President's moves/involvement in the SCS next year. In the meantime the military build ups & accusations and diatribes are expected continue, sadly, but a reality.


China never said that they would not militarize the Paracel Islands. However, they have promised not to militarize the Spratly Islands so far. I guess the ball is in the hands of the U.S. Navy now.


Time for all parties to the SCS dispute to sit down and discuss the issues of serious contention. There will be no winners if the situation blows up. I believe China and the rest of the countries involved will also be waiting for the next US President's moves/involvement in the SCS next year. In the meantime the military build ups & accusations and diatribes are expected continue, sadly, but a reality.

Talking about a meeting, the joint statement from the U.S.-ASEAN summit did not even mention China or South China Sea. Anyone who hoped that ASEAN would gang up on China would be disappointed.


Junior Member
It's is futile to think about Asean ganging up against China. We all lived in the same region, and economically, social-culturally and security we are tied up in many ways. We hope there are ways to work out peaceful solutions amicably. The militarism of the South China Sea does not benefit any country but raises tensions. BTW, the Obama Administration is coming to its end, so what it says or do does not really matter in future. We hope that the new US President and his Administration will look into solutions that will decrease tensions.


It's is futile to think about Asean ganging up against China. We all lived in the same region, and economically, social-culturally and security we are tied up in many ways. We hope there are ways to work out peaceful solutions amicably. The militarism of the South China Sea does not benefit any country but raises tensions. BTW, the Obama Administration is coming to its end, so what it says or do does not really matter in future. We hope that the new US President and his Administration will look into solutions that will decrease tensions.

Asean in my view has become a bloc without any backbone. This is a function of its original conception and an outgrowth of expanding the bloc to include the Indo-China countries. The notion of operating in consensus is both its weakness and its strength. The source of militarisation is the elephant in the room which is never mentioned but everyone knows is there. Some are sitting on the fence and some are simply surrogate of the elephant. At some stage those sitting on the fence have to decide between economics and security. Meanwhile the charade goes on.


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Asean in my view has become a bloc without any backbone. This is a function of its original conception and an outgrowth of expanding the bloc to include the Indo-China countries. The notion of operating in consensus is both its weakness and its strength. The source of militarisation is the elephant in the room which is never mentioned but everyone knows is there. Some are sitting on the fence and some are simply surrogate of the elephant. At some stage those sitting on the fence have to decide between economics and security. Meanwhile the charade goes on.

I don't think they even like each other, let alone help each other in time of need


It's is futile to think about Asean ganging up against China. We all lived in the same region, and economically, social-culturally and security we are tied up in many ways. We hope there are ways to work out peaceful solutions amicably. The militarism of the South China Sea does not benefit any country but raises tensions. BTW, the Obama Administration is coming to its end, so what it says or do does not really matter in future. We hope that the new US President and his Administration will look into solutions that will decrease tensions.

We just hope, the next administration would be better, not sure of Trump though :eek: