China's SCS Strategy Thread


Lieutenant General
Japan attacked China in 1895 and stole Taiwan and Diaoyu islands
Japan invaded China and colonized Manchuria
Japan fabricated the Lugouqiao crisis to invade the rest of China
Japan murdered 15-30 million Chinese before and during WWII
Japan murdered untold numbers of people and committed unspeakable crimes in the Nanjing Massacre
Japan forced hundreds of thousands of Chinese, Korean, and Dutch women into sexual slavery
Japan put 14 Class A and hundreds of other war criminals in their national shrine
Japan says it's America's fault for Pearl Harbor
Japan says it's sorry for war and atrocities one day, but make excuses for them the next
Japan denies extend of Nanjing massacre and whitewashes their war crimes in their children's textbooks
Japanese leaders make light of women forced into sexual slavery in WWII
Japanese leaders continue to honor war criminals and lie about their past
Japan is completely insincere with their apologies

You, Mr. Bltizo, are more forgiving of the Japanese than I.

I agreed, and you left out a few:

Japan continue to use the excuse of "status quo" to maintain power in the Asian region

Japan believes since they're the victims of the atomic bomb by the US they have the right to share that "status quo" with the US in the western Pacific region.

Japanese ruling class don't like to see their children mingle and married other or any ethnic race outside their "Japanese race".


Well that only paints the US in a position of wanting to have its cake and eat it too as the Senate for whatever its reasons doesn't believe the US should be subjected to UNCLOS rules but should benefit from it.

Sometimes I wonder what if China simply abrogates its membership to UNCLOS. It's like the Kyoto Protocol, without everyone on board, it just really goes sideways and there's a point where one has to ask, what use is it?

The US has been very clear on adhering to UNCLOS, even if the Senate hasn't ratified it. The former is more important, as it shows determination and consistency, while the latter highlights one of the problems with multi-party democracies. Someday, the CCP will go the way of the dinosaurs and China will find out (hopefully) the good and bad of free and fair multi-party governing systems- with Chinese characteristics.


Lieutenant General
The US has been very clear on adhering to UNCLOS, even if the Senate hasn't ratified it. The former is more important, as it shows determination and consistency, while the latter highlights one of the problems with multi-party democracies. Someday, the CCP will go the way of the dinosaurs and China will find out (hopefully) the good and bad of free and fair multi-party governing systems- with Chinese characteristics.

Or rather multi party democracies will go the way of the dinosaurs and the CCP will be the example of what a competent and determine government that serves the people can do, instead of dividing the nations and not getting anything done.

Jeff Head

Registered Member

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MODERATOR'S INSTRUCTION <<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Okay guys, this has gone on far, far long enough.

The thread is about the South China Sea Strategies. The debate and argument about the EEZ and UNCLOS as it relates to that has been beaten to death. It has also gotten emotional and led to things the forum frowns on, like discussion of 70+ year old atrocities, like belittling and bad mouthing other nations...on both if though that will win one side or the other of the debate. I have news for will not. It will just lead to more emotion and argument.

Therefore, as of this post:

Stop the arguements and discussion and back and forth on the EEZ and UNCLOS right now, including bad mouthing of China, USA, Japan, Philippines, etc. . If it continues, moderation will occur and this thread will be shut down to cool off.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>> END MODERATOR'S INSTRUCTION <<<<<<<<<<<<<




We finally agree on sailing in EEZs. China may sail in anyone's EEZ, just as the US will continue to exercise freedom of navigation in international waters. Any nation may ask other ships to leave their EEZ, just as the other ships could politely tell them 'no.'

I take this as you conceding, given the fact that sailing is obviously not the same as spying. Saying it is allowable to do X which is legal anyway has no relevance as to whether China can respond to illegal activity of Y.

To relate this back to topic with regards to strategies, China should continue doing what she is doing. As we have seen so far, arguments that claim China's activities are contravening International Laws simply do not stand up to scrutiny.
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To relate this back to topic with regards to strategies, China should continue doing what she is doing. As we have seen so far, arguments that claim China's activities are contravening International Laws simply do not stand up to scrutiny.

Firstly, what International Laws are we talking about? I have yet to see China defend its actions based on specific laws. All China has said it has historical and legal basis. There is no starting point just statement that is practically useless.


Firstly, what International Laws are we talking about? I have yet to see China defend its actions based on specific laws. All China has said it has historical and legal basis. There is no starting point just statement that is practically useless.

There is no need for China to defend its actions that are legitimate in the first place. The burden of proof lies on those that accuse China of contravening International Laws, not on China.