Lieutenant General
Japan attacked China in 1895 and stole Taiwan and Diaoyu islands
Japan invaded China and colonized Manchuria
Japan fabricated the Lugouqiao crisis to invade the rest of China
Japan murdered 15-30 million Chinese before and during WWII
Japan murdered untold numbers of people and committed unspeakable crimes in the Nanjing Massacre
Japan forced hundreds of thousands of Chinese, Korean, and Dutch women into sexual slavery
Japan put 14 Class A and hundreds of other war criminals in their national shrine
Japan says it's America's fault for Pearl Harbor
Japan says it's sorry for war and atrocities one day, but make excuses for them the next
Japan denies extend of Nanjing massacre and whitewashes their war crimes in their children's textbooks
Japanese leaders make light of women forced into sexual slavery in WWII
Japanese leaders continue to honor war criminals and lie about their past
Japan is completely insincere with their apologies
You, Mr. Bltizo, are more forgiving of the Japanese than I.
I agreed, and you left out a few:
Japan continue to use the excuse of "status quo" to maintain power in the Asian region
Japan believes since they're the victims of the atomic bomb by the US they have the right to share that "status quo" with the US in the western Pacific region.
Japanese ruling class don't like to see their children mingle and married other or any ethnic race outside their "Japanese race".