Here is the write up on the first OVH radar
From Henri K
The OTH-B radars, which means Over-the-horizon-Backscatter in English, are very long-range radars developed since the 1950s, but actually operable from the 80s to 90s.
The operating principle relies on the reflection of short waves, with a frequency between 3 and 30 MHz, on the ionized layers of the atmosphere such as layers F for example.
Operation of the OTH-B (c) Charly Whiskey
This method avoids the limit of the range of conventional radars due to the curvature of the Earth, the OTH-B radars can thus reach between 800 and 3,500km of range according to the transmission power, the mode of operation (impulse Or continuous wave) and ionospheric quality.
The substantial gain in range is accompanied, in contrast, by less precision, from 8 to 30 kilometers in absolute distance.
Radars of this type also have other physical limitations. For example, in order to obtain sufficient angular precision and to avoid self-pollution of the system, the transmitter and the receiver have to distance themselves by at least one hundred kilometers, which are often often large, Kilometer order.
It is also difficult to obtain the elevation data on the target, although recent methods compensate this with the best processing algorithms.
Finally, it is necessary to measure constantly the variation of the ionized layers of the atmosphere in order to choose the best wave frequencies to be used, and of course to fight any kind of electromagnetic pollution during the activation of the radar along the way.
But despite these constraints, the range of OTH-B radars saves valuable time in early warning, the operating principle also allows them to detect targets at very low altitude, even targets designed to be unobservable in X-band .
OTH-B radars are therefore suitable for long-range surveillance of a large fixed area and angular sector (except for the French NOSTRADAMUS), which the Chinese also call strategic surveillance.
The OTH-B "Project 2319" radar
China began OTH radar pre-studies in the early 1970s. At the time, the work was mainly led by Institute 14 and Institute 22 of the China Electronics Technology Group (CETC).
A first prototype operating in pulse mode and called the "
Radar 112-1 " was built in 1982, and he was able to detect commercial aircraft over a distance of 1 000km. The project was awarded the 2nd national prize for scientific progress in 1985.
In 1998, another experimental system operating as a continuous wave was able to detect and track several flying targets at a distance of 2,000 km.
And, if I remember correctly, the first time I heard the official Chinese OTH-B project was in 2007.
mentioned the existence of a "brigade Skywave" that would be attached to the army The Chinese air.
The website of the city of Fuqing, which is located on the east coast of China facing Taiwan, published
After much research, it turns out that Unit 95980 is actually the official reference of this "Skywave Brigade".
From 2009, the university publications are increasing, including
, who teaches the construction of a measuring station ionospheric Xia'men, Located at 24 ° 29'N and 118 ° 04'E, as well as its first results of analysis.
This tells us two things - First, there can not be a single vertical measuring station, if we want to be able to accurately map the state of variation of the ionosphere. Then, assuming that these vertical measurement stations are used not only for meteorology but also for the Chinese OTH-B radar, it should be between 800 to 1,000 km from these stations, inside the earth.
But it is difficult to find a transmitter and a receiver, even if they are of kilometer size, over such a large area.
It is in 2010 that
me not only on the track of installation locations of the OTH-B radar, but its official name - the
Project 2319 .
"2319工程"保密工作的规定"市政法委副书记韩辉就驻军社会治安综合治理提出要求,驻军领导对军事保密安全工作明确 明确 意见 意见.
This document gives safety and confidentiality to be observed by the personnel working on Project 2319, and it also mentions the presence of a reservoir or reservoir lake.
These indications helped me to put my hand, finally, on the places where this Chinese OTH-B radar was installed.
The transmitter of the radar is managed by team No. 52 of Unit 95980 and it is located 25km north of the city of Zaoyang. And as stated in the privacy document of the city of Zaoyang quoted above, there is indeed a tank right next to the site of the transmitter.
Project 2319 OTH-B Radar Transmitter
The transmitter site is trapezoid-shaped and measures approximately 1.6km on the longest side.
And since the principle of an OTH-B functioning as a continuous wave forces it, the receiver site is more than 100km from the transmitter, to prevent the emission of waves directly pollute the receivers If the two are too close to one another, given the frequencies used.
Project 2319 OTH-B Radar Receiver