Could an influx of Kurdish refugees or illegals entering Turkey dis-balance the voting power of the AKP, therefore changing Turkey's direction in foreign relations? I'm assuming Kurds that don't have voting rights in Turkey but could influence part of the region in some ways. Also what policies of the AKP that the EU are having problems with?
Again I thank you and Foxmulder for sharing your answers. I'm just curious to hear more about Turkey from another point of view.
The Kurds do have voting rights in Turkey. Their right for a separate national identity is disputed. They are meant to call themselves "Mountain Turks" and not Kurds (that is the same word as wulf in Turkish). Under the AKP led EU integration process the cultural visibility of Kurdish identity was improved by allowing more use of their own language.
Feelings between Kurds and the military are bitter, because of the long and ongoing bloody struggle for an independent Kurdish state.
The problems between AKP and EU are due, from a EU point of view, to the slow progress the Turks are making in creating a modern democratic rechtsstaat. The AKP is still in a dirty power struggle with the old Kemalistic elite and the methods of both are unfitting for a European state to put it this way. They are not dissimilar to what went on/goes on in Greece, but since the Greco-Persian Wars, Greece has a head start as a European nation despite their state of affairs. Greece is like Turkey in many ways, but has a better narrative that doesn't link them to Central Asia. They are depicted as the southern frontier and defenders of Greek(=European) civilization since before Christ in all European schoolbooks.
"From the Greeks (and Romans) came European science and civilization through Arabic transmission and additions...".
300 about the Greco-Persian Wars was a box office hit in Europe and has a sequel, unlike Fetih 1453, about the fall of Constantinopel, the most impenetrable fortress city. Both films are about the foundations of the national myths of Greece(=Europe) and Osman Turkey(the ones who took "a most splendid European city and turned it into something else").
The Turks are fighting a steep uphill battle for joining the EU and it's not just about the actual problems, but about their perception and the evaluation of these problems that is very critical due to widespread differing narratives of history that does not share common ground.
But the problems of Turkey and the EU should be discussed in a different post, because it has increasingly less to do with missile systems. The Chinese technology can indeed have been the better choice and Turkey was reminded of political strings attached to weapons purchases outside the NATO supply chain.