Frankly over this year I've been a little bit disappointed with the moderator team.
There have been prolonged absences by a number of mods with the ability to ban or to suspend members, whereas other mods like Deino have complained about the inability to ban members.
Of course, the absence of certain mods in being able to monitor activity on the forum is not a problem -- Jeff's healthcare for example is very much a priority and no one would dream of him to conduct moderator activities when there are so many more important things going on in his life.
But in that case, I would prefer it if other mods or members who have a more consistent presence on the forum get given the powers to ban members and to pick up the slack.
Otherwise what we get are occasional spates of bannings without proper context, whereas people who should have been warned and suspended and banned months ago continue to get away with it.
Did you get mod privilege from Webby yet?