China Flanker thread

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Re: China Su-30 thread

Why is PLAAF stop to uy Su-30MKK? R they plann to built it after they master the Su-27 Making, in designation as JH-8 (MKK-3)?


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Re: China Su-30 thread

let me see if I can translate this
sukhoi chose knaapo's design as the upgrade package, calling is su-27sm, many of the upgrades are based on su-30mkk
su-27sm first flew in Dec 2007, knaapo modified for su-27s by 2003
  就在首架Su-27SM试飞后不久,一种出口升级演示机的细节被披露了出来。该机使用原Su-27SK 40-42号的机体,序列号36911040102,建造于1998年。该机侧面编号“305”,本来计划于6月进行的2003年巴黎航展上露面,然而该计划在航展开幕前几天取消,原因是担心飞机被瑞士贸易公司Noga由于债务纠纷而采取强行法律行动而扣押。随后,Su-27SM于8月在莫斯科举行的MAKS2003国际航空航天展上首次亮相。
also, after su-27sm flied, the Russians also flew an upgrade package for su-27sk, these were disaplyed in MAKS2003
  在众多的升级改进中有一项是由Ramenskoye PKB负责对座仓进行了彻底的重新设计,安装了3个液晶显示器??两个MFI-9型 7英寸*5英寸显示器以及一个夹在在两者之间的、较小的显示器。与Su-30MKK的前座仓不同,Su-27SM保留的模拟式仪表仅仅是作为备用的,而前者仍将其作为主要飞行仪表使用。Su-27SM的其他改进包括一个新的Elektroavtomatika SILS-27平显,在导航组件中新增了A737全球定位系统以及一套新的通信设备。
3 MFDs, 2 7x5 inch MFD and a really small MFD. different from su-30mkk's front cockpit, su-27sk only use analog meter? as a backup, whereas mkk uses it primarily su-27's upgrade also include SILS-27 HUD and navigation added A737 GPS and a new set of communication system
  在实际运作上,最有潜力的改进将是对雷达系统的改进。代号“熊猫计划”,Aerokosmicheskoye Oborudowaniye 和它的下属研究院Tikhomirov NIIP正在改进Su-27的N001雷达。这项计划被分为两部分:改进它的空对空性能以及加强其对目标的探测、跟踪及打击能力。最终的结果是客户将会有一系列雷达型号可供选择,以适应各自不同的需求、进度表和经济承受能力。
most important is the panda radar upgrade package. changes to the A2A functionality, it's up to the requirement of the customers
N-001V is used by RuAF. able to engage 2 targets with R-77M. The radar increased search range from 80-100 to 135-150 km.

  型号 N001 N001VEP
N-001 vs N-001VEP
  同时跟踪目标数 10 10 (TWS tracking)
  同时接战目标数 1 2  (engagement)
  对战斗机大小目标的迎头搜索距离 80-100公里 (90-110公里) (detection range)
  (RCS 3m2)
  对航母搜索距离(RCS 50000m2) / 200-250公里 (detection range vs carriers)
  对驱逐舰搜索距离(RCS 1000m2) / 150-200公里 (vs destroyers)
  对快艇搜索距离(RCS 300m2) / 70公里 (vs FACs)
  对铁路桥搜索距离(RCS 1000m2) / 150-200公里 (vs road and bridges)
  对集群坦克搜索距离(RCS 30m2) / 70-80公里 (vs tanks)
  * 俄罗斯空军N001V型的此项参数为135-150公里
The Russian N-001V range is 135-150 km for A2A as opposed to 90-110 for N-001VEP

  自卫干扰机 (EW suite)
  Katun综合系统包括: CKBA/Omsk L006 Beryoza雷达告警接受机,KNIRITI/Zhukov L005
su-27 for RuAF uses L006 RWR and L005 ECM
  Su-27SK(出口型): L006 Beryoza雷达告警接受机,L203/L204 Gardenia 干扰机
export version uses L006 RWR and L203/L204 ECM
  KNIRITI/Zhukov L175 Khibiny综合系统包括:CKBA/Omsk L150 Pastel雷达导引警告接受机,SAP-518(?)干扰机
Su-27SM uses L150 Pastel RWR and SAP-518 ECM
  Su-27SM(出口型): L150 Pastel雷达导引警告接受机,L005 pm
su-27sm export uses L150 RWR and L005 pm

(escort jamming?)
and lists what su-27s, su-27sk, su-27sm and su-27sm export uses
  Su-27S(俄罗斯空军) Su-27SK(出口型) Su-27SM(俄罗斯空军) Su-27SM(出口型)
  Yatagan综合系统以及 无 KNIRITI/Zhukov 未知 ?
  KNIRITI/Zhukov SAP-14单元化干扰机
  L001 Smalta干扰机

talks about pero, can track 15 targets and engage 8 at once with improvement in detection range. Uses TKS-2 datalink, can link up to 16 su-27.

new weapons include kh-31, kh-35u, kh-29t, kh-29TE, kab-500kr, kab-1500kr
  此外,Su-27SM还能携带电视导引的Kh-59M导弹及其增程型号--285公里射程、主动雷达导引的Kh-59MK型别。新增的L150 Pastel电子侦察系统和Kh-31P反辐射导弹配合,将赋予Su-27SM战斗机全新的SEAD(防空火力压制)能力。
also kh-59m tv guided missile and kh-59mk
maximum liftoff increased to 30450 kg
   在两个计划中,Salut在MAKS 2003航展上展示了部分细节,因此计划的目标相对明确。该现代化改进计划被分为3个阶段,最初分别被命名为AL-31F-M1、M2和M3。后来为避免侵犯NPO土星集团的知识产权,Salut删去了“AL-31”前缀。
salyut unveiled AL-31F-M1, M2, M3
  接受了第一阶段升级的发动机在Su-27 37-11“595”号飞机上进行了飞行测试。首飞时间是2003年1月25日,此后又进行了20次试飞,用于研究在飞行包线内某些关键点处的发动机稳定性。第一阶段的升级项目包括安装一个新的增大直径KND-924-4型低压压气机(KND为低压压气机的俄文缩写,924为直径尺寸,毫米,4为4级)和SAU-235数字式控制系统。


  在第二阶段现代化改进期间,新的涡轮盘冷却系统将被采用,因此能把加力推力进一步提高到138.26千牛。在今年将实施的第三阶段,将采用一个全新的、具有3级宽弦叶片的风扇(低压压气机 )。这种名为KND-924-3的风扇采用整体式叶片盘技术,与老的4级风扇相比具有更大的增压比和更高的效率。一个KND-924-3型风扇已于MAKS 2003航展上作了首次公开展示。如果将其运用到现有发动机上,将能把加力推力提高到143.17千牛。
MMPP Salut的新压气机与旧型号的性能比较:?
  标准压气机 KND-924-4 KND-924-3
  压气机级数 4 4 3
  直径 905毫米 924毫米 924毫米
  增压比(H=0,M=0) 3.55 3.67 4.2


  在茹科夫斯基展示的另一项有关Su-27动力装置的改进是矢量喷管。这种被称为“Klivt”的喷管是由Salut和克里莫夫设计局共同研发的并已经被安装于Su-27 “595”号机。该喷管具有16度的半锥型(三元)偏转范围。相比之下,Su-30MKI装备的AL-31FP发动机仅具有偏转范围+/-15度的二元矢量喷管。对该喷管的飞行测试尚未开始,但至今已进行了400小时左右的静态测试。
spends a lot of time talking about the upgrade in engine and how it's done


  尽管伊尔库茨克工厂和其自己的设计局Russkaya Avionika提出的Su-30KN升级计划已被俄罗斯空军否决,但研发工作仍在继续。功能上,Su-30KN和Su-27SM非常相似,两者现有火控系统的算法和软件都被保留,新增功能由添加的新的软硬件实现。Su-30KN与Su-27SM的主要区别在于:在Su-27SM上,NIIP使用由Korund制造的Baget-54计算机,而在Su-30KN上,Russkaya Avionika整合了自行设计的MVK计算机。在操作上,NIIP的雷达系统具有增强了的抗干扰性能上的优势。
IAPO's su-30kn is similar to su-27sm
  虽然Russkaya Avionika正在促销其雷达系统用于Su-30战斗机,其主要的兴趣却在于发展供别里也夫 别-200水陆两栖飞机所使用的雷达。

russia has 400 su-27, but probably only has money to upgrade 20-25% of them

what's next step? T-50 is the next step.

that's pretty much it. As for why China is not buying more su-30. It's because China realized su-30 isn't worth the money.


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Re: China Su-30 thread

f they won't buy it, are they will built like J-11 A, under the designation as JH-8?


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Re: China Su-30 thread

Unlikely. J-11A is a fighter, but we are certain that the J-11B is coming out. Since Fighters and strike planes have merged much together these days under the name fighter, you can pretty much forget the name JH-8, thought it can be used as a strike plane.


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Re: China Su-30 thread

well, we might as well treat this as the flanker thread.
This is from the latest kanwa issue.
reporting a new division in lanzhou and the new engine purchases.

I'm not convinced that those new engines are for J-11B. I personally think they are for upgrading su-30mkk and old su-27 since their original engines should be nearing the end of their service time by now, but that's just my opinion. Yeah I know the Russians promise a lot, but their service time never reach what they said.



Junior Member
Re: China Su-30 thread

Russia does supply alot and I mean alot of military equpment to China. Could Russia keep up their promises I do not know. But from my side, engines are a easier product to import. I think it could very well be for J11B. From my knowledge arnt J-11s now also armed with rocket pods for ground attacks? Correct me if Im wrong.


Banned Idiot
Re: China Su-30 thread

The su-27s were armed with rocket pods a long time ago. They used them in the 1996 excercises, to conduct very outdated unguided ground attacks. Even helicopters can use rocket pods more effectively.

typhuang, I doubt that the r-77 can fire 100km, but 50 is too short. 50km is the range of the AMRAAM and the Derby. The r-77 is bigger than the Amraam, and has a very powerful motor. The missle travels slowly for a A2A missle(mach 3), all of which add up to the conclusion that the r-77 must have a longer range, probably 75km. Of course, you never fire your missle at maximum range.


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Re: China Su-30 thread

MIGleader said:
The su-27s were armed with rocket pods a long time ago. They used them in the 1996 excercises, to conduct very outdated unguided ground attacks. Even helicopters can use rocket pods more effectively.

typhuang, I doubt that the r-77 can fire 100km, but 50 is too short. 50km is the range of the AMRAAM and the Derby. The r-77 is bigger than the Amraam, and has a very powerful motor. The missle travels slowly for a A2A missle(mach 3), all of which add up to the conclusion that the r-77 must have a longer range, probably 75km. Of course, you never fire your missle at maximum range.
actually, the maximum range of R-77 is probably 100KM (so, it can theoretically go that far), but that's not the maximum effective range of R-77.

I guess it depends on what profile you are measuring the range under. Different profiles, different range.

Anyway, having looked over the article and examined it more carefully, the stuff about Lanzhou getting a new regiment is just junk. Seriously, the photos for the 19th division
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clearly shows that the flankers with serial number 30106 and 30107 are for this division. Not the 37th or 47th division as mentionned by Kanwa. This is getting sad. Their analysis is based on the flankers' background.


VIP Professional
Hm, well, i recently compared few missiles, got as much info bout their test firings as i could and tried to extrapolate some results, depending on their size, weight (minus warhead), speed. It does assume engine/fuel is of same efficiency in every missile - which might be wrong.

I concluded max range for mica is just under 70 km, for r77 is just under 100km, for aim120c7 is just over 80 km. That is, of course, max theoretical range in perfect conditions - highest speed at launch, highest altitude, stationary target not evading, etc. Anyone care to agree or disagree?


Banned Idiot
Ive heard way to many figures fo the aim-120C7 to be sure. i ve heard 60km, 80-100km, and even as daring as 150 km.

Btw, the r-77 is not the PLAAFs longest ranging active seeker missle. The r-27AE has a range of 130km, the longest ive seen for a MRAAM.
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