China Flanker Thread III (land based, exclude J-15)


VIP Professional
Scramble lists 3 different brigades being spotted with j-16 in 2022. Is it known what is the smallest or typical batch of planes being delivered to a unit? Also, I remember there was discussion about the size of j-16 units. Has it been concluded if the final size is 24 or 30 planes? Or some other figure?
Finally, are there any estimates for the production/delivery rate of j-16 for 2022 and/or 2023?


Lieutenant General
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Scramble lists 3 different brigades being spotted with j-16 in 2022. Is it known what is the smallest or typical batch of planes being delivered to a unit? Also, I remember there was discussion about the size of j-16 units. Has it been concluded if the final size is 24 or 30 planes? Or some other figure?
Finally, are there any estimates for the production/delivery rate of j-16 for 2022 and/or 2023?

Did I miss something? "3 different brigades being spotted with j-16 in 2022"... which one?

On my list I have for 2022 the 6th (Gaines some to supplement the few Su-30MKK), the 78th and most likely the 15th.
The most recent ones I noted or which were rumoured are the 84th (just recently), the 86th (albeit from my understanding mageres with the 7th and now at Rugao) and the 95. But besides the 6th & 78th none is confirmed.

Concerning the size of a unit, it seems to me that the PLAAF added to most of its combat brigades flying J-16 and J-20 later batch aircraft to fill them up with a fourth Dadui (6-8 ac), so that theoretically these units comprise now up to 4x 6-8 = 24-32 ac., but the numbers seen open on any base are always (and most understandable) much lower.


VIP Professional
Yeah, scramble lists those 3 you mentioned. 6th, 15th and 78th as observed getting some j-16 during 2022.
For 2023 they mention just one brigade getting j-16 but I would assume procurment is not decreased. Rather that it's getting harder for info to leak through. Right?

Do you know if j-16 daduis have 6 or 8 planes?
If they have 6, that would suggest some brigades have as many as five daduis?


J-16 and Tu-95 on joint patrol
