China Flanker Thread II

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The Su-35's TVC is also not true 3D, it's a 2D-vectoring slanted on a 'V' trajectory so that at maximum deflection by both nozzles, there will be a net horizontal thrust, as below.

This is actually incredibly smart. It is just like using X/Y coordinate you can define any point on a 2d surface

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
According to people in the know, it's not just TVC and thrust that allow the Su-35 to exceed the performance of other Flanker models, it's also various software improvements that were implemented for its flight-control system, and it's the software that SAC is really interested in deciphering.

The Su-35's TVC is also not true 3D, it's a 2D-vectoring slanted on a 'V' trajectory so that at maximum deflection by both nozzles, there will be a net horizontal thrust, as below.


No doubt the FCS of the SU-35 is the product of lots of "tweaking and tuning" and even the J-15, J-16 would likely benefit from a "peek at the tweaks".. I'm assuming those F-117s are making substantially more thrust and that the nozzles performance is also being "tweaked", as you have clarified for us, "less is sometimes more"...

as the pinnacle of the SU-27 Flanker family, the SU-35 is an awesome aircraft, and the sale of 24 to China will likely benefit China in philosophy as well,, and help them determine the net value and expense of OVT on their own future aircraft...

this may well be a gateway for China's interest and possible purchase of the SU-57?? IMHO, and this for the record is just a random thought that keeps popping into my head, NO RUMOUR's, NO Source's, the SU-57 would lend itself very handily to carrier operations, so this latest China/Russian collaboration is no doubt a return to more a more co-operative relationship..

I can see the Chinese might well be anxious to finish off what little collaboration that may still be ongoing with the Russian's/Indian's in the SU-57 as that has been pretty rocky to begin with??


this may well be a gateway for China's interest and possible purchase of the SU-57?? IMHO, and this for the record is just a random thought that keeps popping into my head, NO RUMOUR's, NO Source's, the SU-57 would lend itself very handily to carrier operations, so this latest China/Russian collaboration is no doubt a return to more a more co-operative relationship..

I can see the Chinese might well be anxious to finish off what little collaboration that may still be ongoing with the Russian's/Indian's in the SU-57 as that has been pretty rocky to begin with??

Even the Indians are regretting their decision on the Su-57. Many Western analysts also see the Su-57 as a complete failure. I don't think the Chinese are interested it at all.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Guys ... Indian Su-57, the imagined purchase of Su-57 for the PLAAF or even naval aviation ... 2D vs. 3D !

What does this all has to do with the Chinese Flankers????


Deino, the SU-35 is now a Chinese Flanker,, it is the "best Flanker!", and whether anyone realizes it, China is very interested in building the "best Flanker's,,, and I would bet my last Ben Franklin, that there are no doubt those in China, who have looked longingly at the SU-57, and no doubt in my mind, they have "talked about building something similar"??

aircraft designers and builders, "are always looking at the best and thinking about how to make it better!"

most of us stated very vehemently that the Chinese would NEVER buy the SU-35! we were wrong!


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Yes it is, no doubt simpler, lighter and cheaper,,, ALL GOOD!

Absolutely. There is a small penalty to pay because in certain situations the two engines proportion force cancels out a small percentage, but just the weight reduction (compared to, say, the F-22 solution which is something to compare with) and increase of reliability (due to simplicity) is more than compensating for it.

When one engine points "inside" and the other points "outside", it produces angular torque. Just like one of those fireworks, that it goes forward and swirl at the same time. I am sure the Russian will make an innovative flight control system because of this design, they have to.

Air Force Brat

Super Moderator
Absolutely. There is a small penalty to pay because in certain situations the two engines proportion force cancels out a small percentage, but just the weight reduction (compared to, say, the F-22 solution which is something to compare with) and increase of reliability (due to simplicity) is more than compensating for it.

When one engine points "inside" and the other points "outside", it produces angular torque. Just like one of those fireworks, that it goes forward and swirl at the same time. I am sure the Russian will make an innovative flight control system because of this design, they have to.

You're right,,, and if you watch a few SU-35 flight demo's, you will see exactly that! but now, we must leave this, else our beloved Head Master Deino will Flunk us on our midterms!

actually Head Master, I only ask that when some of these prognostications do in fact occur, that we might have some attribution in "Air Forces Monthly"!

end off topic, Brat out!


Lieutenant General
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Deino, the SU-35 is now a Chinese Flanker,, it is the "best Flanker!", and whether anyone realizes it, China is very interested in building the "best Flanker's,,, and I would bet my last Ben Franklin, that there are no doubt those in China, who have looked longingly at the SU-57, and no doubt in my mind, they have "talked about building something similar"??

aircraft designers and builders, "are always looking at the best and thinking about how to make it better!"

most of us stated very vehemently that the Chinese would NEVER buy the SU-35! we were wrong!

But first of all we have a dedicated PLAAF&Su-35 thread then discuss there and even more India, Su-57 and a Chinese Su-57 for the Chinese carrier IS off-topic.

End of the debate.

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