China Flanker Thread II

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Banned Idiot
Some of these claims seem to run contrary to physical observations we can make. For example, it's hard to believe they'll need to import a Russian IRST when the J-10B already seems to have a domestic one.

the IRST may come from ural optical firm in russia,report that the firm is seeking cooperation with chinese firm, possible co production.
Chinese version may incorporate some innovation, such Gen-3 quantum wells focal plane array detector.


Lieutenant General
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Surely not ... these are pure and simply standard fighter-Flankers and only one has a taller tail, what makes me suspicious.


... slightly better version + some explanations ...

Besides that ... are there any speculations about their assigment ??
Since most fighter units received either updated J-8H or even F ... one possibility seems remaining J-7II-regiment maybe Jialaishi (8th Fighter Division/24h Air Regiment) and numbers 83x8x !



  • J-11BH large.jpg
    J-11BH large.jpg
    55.6 KB · Views: 103
  • J-11BH part +.jpg
    J-11BH part +.jpg
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Banned Idiot
... slightly better version + some explanations ...

Besides that ... are there any speculations about their assigment ??
Since most fighter units received either updated J-8H or even F ... one possibility seems remaining J-7II-regiment maybe Jialaishi (8th Fighter Division/24h Air Regiment) and numbers 83x8x !


not sure... but the aircraft on the left look like has different airtake ,second her upper fuselage is slighly bigger.
but again, the picture is simple blurr....


Lieutenant General
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not sure... but the aircraft on the left look like has different airtake ,second her upper fuselage is slighly bigger.
but again, the picture is simple blurr....

Agreed ... but it looks different because of the other J-11B standing behind it. As such the typical Flanker's deeper intake can't be seen.



Banned Idiot
2010-05-11 10:05:51 来源: 网友评论 0 条

新一期出版的《简氏防务周刊》(Jane's Defence Weekly)刊载题为“海军版歼-11公开现身”的文章,文章提到近期军事网站的几张图片显示,一款为中国海军航空兵研制的新型单座(歼-11BH)和双座(歼-11BSH)歼-11战斗机很可能正在生产之中,并涂有与现役海航苏-30MKK2类似的浅灰色涂装;文章还提到歼-11B不久将配备一款新型的有源相控阵雷达,这款雷达可能也在歼-10B上采用;简氏评论说,解放军海航部队装备歼-11B战机之后或将对日本自卫队的F-15和F-2战机构成更大挑战;简氏还认为,歼-11BH可为歼-11B航母舰载版战斗机提供充足的备选飞行员。
文章首先说,在今年5月份的早些时候,有中国军事网站刊发了沈飞(the Shenyang Aircraft Corporation)厂房之外的几张图片,图片显示有一款新型的为中国海军航空兵(the People's Liberation Army Navy Air Force)研制的单座和双座型歼-11战斗机很可能正在生产之中。

the left side of the picture was identified as J-11BH and possible twin seater J-11BSH.according to the report J-11BH will be fitted with locally design AESA,and possible J-10


Junior Member
AESA radar on J-11BH?? if it is true it will be a big news

It has been speculated for years now, it was said that during negotiation a couple years ago, one of the main reason China told the Russians about the inadequity of the SU33 were that it doesnt have AESA thus incapable of counter modern USAF, thats the reason China dont want to buy Su33 in any larger quantities.

But since J10B also seems to be equipt with AESA, no reason why J11BH cant, consider the size of the nose, the J11BH should have a even more powerful radar.


Banned Idiot
few day before the oct.1 military parade.Chinese website claim that radar on J-11B has max. range of 350km.
the article is short,do not mention what kind of radar, it is now more likely the article may be refering to AESA.


Pencil Pusher
VIP Professional
few day before the oct.1 military parade.Chinese website claim that radar on J-11B has max. range of 350km.
the article is short,do not mention what kind of radar, it is now more likely the article may be refering to AESA.

Can you post a link to that website?
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