See i said the question is which variant are you mentioning and comparing, most F-15As and F-16As are mothballed, do they last more? what about the many Russian aircraft still flying?I think what many here have been saying is that old Su-27's were not as durable as their western counterparts. No one is saying that western planes don't get old...
Also, what does aging have anything to do with entropy? Aging is more of a kinetic parameter (something to do with time), while entropy is thermodynamics. And please don't tell me "things falling apart is increasing entropy"...
You can not make an assertion, Russian aircraft last less, because that is not true, everything depends in what aircraft, variant and air force you point.
The aircraft operational life in the cold war years was around a decade, after the collapse of the USSR, all these aircraft needed to last longer, in the case of Russia, the Su-27s and MiG-29 were not build for the Russian air force for almost two decades, from 1991 to 2012 most Flankers and Fulcrums were for export, Russia resumed the delivey of Su-35s and Su-30SMs after 2012.
So the idea that Russian aircraft last less will depend in the version and aircraft considered, and the same will be for american aircraft.